Zoe scanned the scenario.

They have nowhere to run. No one is around to help them either.

The huntsman is now coming out of the shadows as he saw the vulnerability of his target's lifeguard.

He was limping as he was shot by the arrow but he was still fixed on his goal as he walked forward.

"That's enough!"

She roared loudly making sure that it is not just the shooter coming near her would hear, but his accomplices if there are.

In a fraction of a second, she exchanged places with Raigon. 

She was now in front and Raigon was at her back assisted by Erin.

"It is me you want! I'll come with you!"

Zoe dashed forward to her oppressor. But she froze when she heard Erin scream.

She pivoted and saw Raigon's knees gave way as he fell into the sand while trying to stop her.

"No! Raigon!" 

She wanted to run to his side. 

But she tilted her head toward her attacker first to see his next step.