"Zoe… Zoe…"

Zoe jerked up from her bed and clutched her chest. 

"What a terrible nightmare!"

She managed to utter after gulping. 

Her hand flew to her throat. It was as dry as the desert and her skin was clammy from perspiring profusely.

She glanced at the person who just woke her up.

It was her best friend, Erin.

"Oh my gosh, Erin. I'm so glad you're here!"

Her arms squeezed her tight as she closed her eyes. 

"I had the most horrifying dream of my entire life. I…"

She was about to narrate the story when she noticed the room where she was in. 

It was a small space with nothing on it but a bed, a closet, and a table and chair. 

Everything is made of high-quality wood.

Her tight embrace turned loose.

"I hate to break the news, girl. But it was not a dream."

She went back on her bed and covered herself with her blanket.

"Seriously now, how long are you going to do this?"