"Who is this young man that is ordering us around?" 

They narrowed their eyes on him, as they assessed him from head to foot.

Since they are from the provinces, they have no idea what the Crown Prince looked like.

The local physicians who were around recognized him even with a disguise as it is not the first time that he visited the Infirmary.

"It is the Crowned Prince!"

Then they scurried to make a line and bowed to him, including Azra.

The provincial physicians' jaws dropped at their disrespect for Terra's destined King.

They also went in line in front of the local physicians putting Raigon in their middle and bowed to him. 

"What is the condition in the provinces?" 

He furiously asked them, showing his displeasure in their presence at the Royal Infirmary.

"T-the disease is not that contagious, your Highness. It is controlled by the young physicians that volunteered to stay there to gain more experience."