Zoe paced back and forth as she cracked her knuckles.

She woke up early so she could check if the patients are getting better or they need more interventions. 

But it seemed that the royal guard that was assigned to her was a faithful one. 

Now she understood what Raigon meant when he explained the negative side of being isolated even in a first class suite.

Fortunately for her, the food in this 'prison cell' was also sumptuous and way beyond what she would normally eat as a free person. 

"Perhaps everything is fine. If they need a doctor, they should've called on me by now."

Zoe brushed her hair to her side as she pondered on the situation.

"I thought this place is sickness-free. How could a bacterial infection like that occur? As far as I know, sickness is most common in places with poor sanitation, crowded places, war or famine. And this picturesque land is anything but those."