Zoe was still smiling, feeling elated at the Castles servants' appreciation of her that seemed to sweep her negative thoughts away.

Raigon still guided her to the place where he mostly spent his time with. 

"Wow, it's breathtaking!" Zoe exclaimed as her eyes laid on the beauty of Terra at its finest, seeing it from that view. 

Raigon's lips stretched to his ears as he traced the picturesque land that Zoe was beholding. "I knew you're going to love it."

He started showing her the lands where they have been. "There's the Capital. On this side is the Hengcheng Mountains. Beyond that is Lord Howe Island."

Zoe glanced at Raigon who was smiling at her. "I told you I already know."

He drew near to her and cupped her face with his hands. Only the royal family can go to that place. And as of that moment, only Raigon was able to go there.