Raigon and Zoe went down the stairs from the Castle tower with obvious satisfaction radiating from their joyous souls.

As they did so, Raigon held her hand as he assisted her down the stairs, making Zoe feel like a Queen even in the hands of her King for just a few moments.

But as they descended down, Zoe also felt like coming down to earth from heaven and slowly facing the reality of life.

"What about the Queen? I wonder if it is an accident or an attempt to…" Zoe trailed off as she glanced at Raigon and saw his jaw tensed in deep frustration. 

"I already have plans of finding that out immediately. If it is an attempted assasination, I will make sure that his death will be more violent than food poisoning and his family will scorn him rather than grieve for him."

His face turned into a glowering mask of rage as he cursed that person who almost killed his mother.