Chapter 1

Beta: ThatTerribleWriter78

"Yuri Uchiha," said the Shodaime Hokage, Senju Harshirama, from behind his desk. " I have a vital mission that fits your capabilities. Will you do it?"

"Hai, Hokage-sama," Replied Yuri as she bowed. His smile disappeared as his hand brought forward a mission scroll.

"Takashi Akira, the daimyo's daughter, disappeared near Kumo's border. They have denied having her, but the Daimyo doesn't believe it for one second. If she doesn't return by the next two months, we will go to war. Go to Kumo, and spy on them. Find out of her whereabouts. We mustn't let a war happen." He said as he looked at Yuri and tossed her the scroll with further instructions.

She nodded as she caught the scroll.

"You will leave in 2 hours." And with that, she disappeared from the office to get prepared.

- Yuri POV

I sighed as I walked towards the Uchiha compound. 'This is going to be troublesome.' I thought as I internally groaned because I knew I'm going to be interrogated by my father.

I then opened the door and walked in to see a father standing there staring at me, arms crossed, and a tight face. I sighed once again "So you heard about my mission?" I asked as I headed to pack my things.

He didn't answer but the footsteps behind me indicated that he was following me.

"Don't worry father I'm going to be fine. This isn't the first mission I had alone." I said as I stuffed my kunai and shuriken inside their respective pouches.

I then heard a long sigh behind me. "I know Yuri. It's just I can't help being worried about you."

I smiled at that as I walked into my room picked up my pack and started packing it with things I would need.

"How long?" Father asked

I then stopped to look at him. To see him leaning against the door frame with his arms crossed. "Two months at the most," I said, turning around and sheathing my tanto.

"Two Months. That damn Hokage I should give him a piece of my mind..." I heard him keep mumbling.

I silently snickered, suddenly feeling sorry for our Hokage.

Father and I kept talking throughout my packing. 'Until someone came bursting in

"Madara-sama you need to come to the Elders ar-" I then zoned out because I'm not interested. Yep, didn't I tell you Madara Uchiha is my father?

He then sighed "Looks like we will have to cut this short Yuri." He says as he walked up to me. Grabbing my cheeks he, kissed me on the forehead. "I will be waiting for you to return home my daughter." And he hugs me. Then left.

I'm the only one that he shows that side to. To others, all he shows is a cold and heartless Uchiha head.

Soon I was packed ready and walking out the gates of the village.

"Good Luck Yuri-sama," Said the Right gatekeeper as he waved me bye. I nod and waved back. Turning to the forest in front of me, I shot into the trees.