Chapter 2

It has been two weeks since I began this mission. So far I haven't found anything about Akira-sama, but you never know so I kept hiding in the tree as I watched the Raikage from afar.

"GET THE SPY!" yelled Ninjas as they chased after Yuri.

'Damn it! How did they find me?' I thought, jumping from tree to tree. I soon reached the end of the forest and meet a cliff with a deep drop.

'Looks like I'm stuck' as I looked down into the abyss. "I will have to try and fight my way out," I said aloud as I turned around pulled out my Katana, and prepared for a battle. Three Kumo nins landed in front of me. I activated my Sharingan, watching in satisfaction as they flinched back. I gave a Madara worthy (father worthy) smirked before pointing my blade towards my pursuers

"Let's dance."

- Back at the Village with Madara

'Hn, that clan meeting took a lot out of me especially since I had to yell at Hashirama for sending my daughter out on the mission.' Madara thought as he sat down at the table looking out the window.

'It's been two weeks huh? It feels like longer. I miss her around her.' I stared out the window waiting for the say my daughter returns and tells me all about her mission over some dinner.

Mm, maybe I should ask her if she has her eye on anyone yet.' I mused at the thought of her getting married and having children.

- Back to Yuri

I tilted my head to the side and stabbed a Kumo shinobi simultaneously, dodging the kunai flung my way. With a sigh, I parried a katana and grabbed the man by the throat. I flung him away as I place a genjutsu on him. I slid to the left, away from the bolt of lightning flung my away.

"Is that all?" I drolly asked the last standing Kumo shinobi before body flickering behind him and stabbing him in the back. Cleaning my blade of their blood, I returned it to its sheath. I looked at the hundred or so bodies with regret. The earth shook and I stumbled before falling near the edge of the cliff. Looking beyond the cliff, all I saw was darkness.

'Thank goodness I didn't fall off this cliff.' I thought as I stood, thanking Kami as I looked down into it once again.

I sighed turned around and started walking off. I jumped, seeing a male body with a Venus flytrap as its head.

"Wha-" I started before roots flew from his hands and plunged into the earth. I drew my katana. He walked backward, before disappearing into a tree. I stepped forward, watching the tree he disappeared into warily.

Only for the edge to break off as roots clutched my person.

'Well, the father looks like I won't make it back home this time.' I thought as I fell into the deep chasm.

But Yuri didn't notice was a strange seal glowing on the side of the cliff.


"Hashirama she's been two weeks late. How much longer are you going to wait until you send me. She could be injured or dying. Let me out of this village to find her!" Yelled Madara as he slammed his fist upon Hashirama's desk.

Hashirama just sighed "Madara my friend I know you're worried about your daughter but you must believe in her skills. And don't worry I already sent a nin out, he should be back today. I will call you when he returns."

Madara shakes his head "No I will wait."

"Madara, you need to sleep you've been days without it. What would Yuri think when she comes home to you looking like that." Said Tobirama as he walked into his brother's office overhearing what they were talking about.

Madara sighs "I guess your right" And so he goes home, he tries to sleep but fails so he gets up and drinks tea wasting 2 hours. He then returns to the Hokages office, when he walked up to the door he stops as he hears what they were saying.

"Sorry my Lord she's nowhere to be found." said a voice.

"What do you mean?!" Exclaimed Hashirama as he slams his fist down causing the poor boy to jump.

"S-Sir all I saw was a good hundred dead Kumo nins and a cliff that the edge is broken off. It looks like they cornered her but she killed them all. Someone must've used a Jutsu that hit the edge of the cliff during the fight causing it the crack and become unstable...which she might've fallen into the chasm." He stammered out.

"Shit." Gasps Hashirama

"Yeah, Shit is just about it. If Madara hears about this he will through a fit." Replied Tobirama a little shakily as he shuddered over Madaras's anger for he has felt it once before.

"S-Sir my I ask a question?"

Hashirama nods "Proceed"

"H-How did the Kumo nins know Yuki-sama was there? She always has been good at hiding her chakra and spying. Also, she went on more dangerous missions than this and came back without even a scratch." He asked as he scratched his head in confusion.

Hashirama and Tobirama thought on it till they came to one conclusion.

"A MOLE!" they yelled at each other.

Madara overheard them. He slowly pulls back his ear from the door. 'She's gone?'.

He turns around and walks out of the building and heads to his and Yuri's secret training ground.

"She's gone. She's gone," He kept whispering that over and over till he collapsed on the ground crying. "She can't be. I can't lose her like I did her mother. She was supposed to return" He kept whispering this for hours on until he finally had enough and stood up.

'IF SHE IS GONE YOU WILL PAY HASHIRAMA, YOU AND BLOODY KONOHA.' I thought darkly as I then ran out of Konoha trailing her faint chakra residue.