chapter 3

(I've realized I made a mistake and changed the name to Yuki)

"Hello Hello Ma'am are you okay?" A voice asked. It kept asking this for a while til It soon stopped as it was followed by the sound of a door opening with a creak then closing once again.

'Where am I?' Yuki questioned as she tried to move but failed to do so. 'Why can't I move? Shouldn't I be dead? Am I dead?' These thoughts kept whirling through Yuki's head as she resigned to the fact that she couldn't move even a muscle.

"Mira. Is she okay?" Asked a short old man as he was sitting on the bar with a mug of beer in his hand.

Mira nodded her head. "She's fine but still hasn't awoken yet." Then she turned her head to look at the redhead clad in armour. "Erza, would you please explain to us where you found her?" Mira asked.

Erza stood up from her sitting position as she explained how she found her on her way back to the guild from a mission.

When she was finished speaking the guild fell into silence once again. "Why didn't you take her to a hospital?" Questioned a random guild member. Erza furrowed her brows as she shook her head "I don't know, it just didn't feel right. But taking her here did it felt like I was doing the right thing." Erza then sighed as she sat back down once again.

Mira shakes her head as a little Mira at the recess of her mind made a cute Aww. "She was full of injuries but thankfully they weren't too serious; just some cuts and bruises. But I found something surprising."

The short old man looked at Mira with a confused expression as did the rest of the guild. "What was it?" He asked calmly.

"Her eyes, it feels as if they are full of magic. And there are scars all over her body, I don't know how she lived through them all because some of them are very deep and in places that it would kill a normal person."

This made the whole guild confused. "What you think master?" Erza asked as she looked at the short old man.

The Master thought about it for a while before he spoke once again. "Hmm maybe her magic has something to do with her eyes like Evergreens, but for the scars, I don't know. But what I do know is that whatever happened she lived through it."

With that being said, murmurs broke throughout the whole guild as they all questioned each other about the girl and what could've happened to her.

It's been 3 weeks since Yuki was in the infirmary of the Guild. Porlyusica had already passed by and gave her the okay and told the guild that she'll wake up soon.

'Come on move your body Yuki move it' Yuki kept straining herself and her muscle but she still couldn't make them move. To the guild members, she didn't move, but to her, it was like the Yamanaka mind-body disturbance technique. She didn't like it.

'Fairytail is a guild huh? So I'm in another world?' Yuki thought to herself as she internally sighs.

What should she tell them when she wakes. They would want to know how she got injured and where she from.

'Ugh, this is too troublesome.' Yuki thought as her mind soon filled up with turmoil, coming up with a story to tell them once she wakes.

My name is Yuki. No last name. I'm an orphan who traveled around the world. And I got injured in a fight by a..' She started pondering on what creature she should say she fought against. 'Vulcan that's it. I heard that loud mouth Mage screams out a mission about it. Magic...what magic should I say I use?... Elemental Magic...yes that's it because I can use all four elements. Yes, that will do.'

'Well I won't be able to move soon so I better sleep for now'

But just before she fell asleep her mind wondered and produced a new thought 'I wonder how father is. How is he coping with my 'death'?

With Madara

Madara has made it to the end of her chakra trail. He looks around he sees blood stains but no bodies of the nin that were killed.

'Hmm someone must've moved them' Sharingan activated, he then starts scouting around trying to find any trace he can of Yuki that don't lead to the broken edge of the cliff. But sadly there was no trail but the one and that was at the broken edge.

His knees grew weak as he soon collapses to the ground on them. "NOOOO!" he screams out as he holds his head shaking it back and forth. "She can't be dead. she can't be gone."

"No, she can't...I will check the bottom of this chasm" And so began his descent not just the descent of the chasm, but his descent into the darkness, into the path of evil. For he never found her body...and everyone believes her to be dead.