Chapter 11

"And we were like thi-" Natsu started as he,Plue, and Happy started doing ninja loves and dancing on the table in the middle of the guild hall.

Yuki just shook her head as she seen this scene it's been a week since she came back from her mission 3 days since Natsu and his team came back from the 'Vacation' turned rescue mission.

"Hey Lucy if you win the Miss. Fairytail pageant you could pay for your rent for like awhile." Yelled happy as he showed Lucy the paper Lucy took it from him "I'll join!".

Soon many people started joining the contest and the boys started another fight in which Erza got Involved because they knocked her cake on the ground, and that turned into a one way fight.

Yuki smiled at their antics as she took a sip from her blueberry shake. But this happiness didn't last long for there is trouble within the guild itself.


"LET THE BATTLE OF FAIRYTAIL BEGIN!!" Yelled Laxus over the Lacrama crystal. And at that all the members started running out of the guild hall to save the girls. All but Yuki, Makarov, Gajeel and Natsu.

Yuki POV----

"DAMN WHY CANT I GET OUT OF HERE!" Roared Natsu as he keep trying to get through the barrier that Freed made.

"It says no one over 100 years old" (i think) said Makarov as he watched Natsu and Gajeel get angry. Soon they turned towards me "Why aren't you out there helping to save our Nakamas" Yelled Natsu as he threw his hands in the air.

I just smiled and shook my head "They will be fine without my help" Natsu started to get mad as I turned towards Master "If I'm right that's the Thunde Palace of Laxus. And if that's activated it will harm all of Magnolia?" as I pointed towards the yellow balls with lighting within them in the sky. Makarov followed my finger and his eyes widen at what his grandson was doing.

"Master I can get rid of them, but I will be injured when I do so." I said as he turned towards me "You can Yuki?" He whispered silently. I nod "Its just gonna hurt like hell." As I said this I then headed outside and walked towards the middle of town dodging and missing the Fairytail members that where on the ground or thrown around. Only for me myself to be caught in one of freeds enchantments with Elfman.


"Elfman" I nodded "Looks like well have to battle each other."

"Yes indeed you do and this will be a good fight." Laughed Freed as he came out from behind a building to watch us.

"This isn't Manly" He replied "But, I must save my sister." As he said that he summon his beast soul form.

I smiled "I know Elfman." At that I looked around 'Thank Kami I'm in the center of town.'

"Elfman" I said as i looked at him. "I wont fight you. But I will do something else." As I said that I summon all the Elements and formed the into swords. It was roughly 400 'Damn' I thought 'It ain't enough.' I tried to make more but my magic is almost depleted for just summoning the elements and making swords out of all of them especially the wind element its the hardest to control. I took some weapons out of my dimension space but I was only 20. "UGH" I yelled as I then activated my sharingan. 'I havent used it I a while so it's a good time to give it a work out'. I started making handsignes and summon 45 shadow clones.

"20 of you use Fire style: Dragons fire. 20 of you use Lighting style:Dragon Tornado. And the rest just attack the remaining Number left." I spat out heavily as I knew the Fire and Lighting style will take out alot of them together

"LETS GO!" I yelled as I threw all of my swords at the thunder palace and my clones done their job.

I started breathing hard as I felt all of Chakra and Magic get to me and so did the punishment for destroying the Thunder palace

"AHHHH" I screamed out unable to contain it, 'At least I helped' I thought

as i soon passed out from the pain and Magic/Chakra depletion.