And so with that Elfman won this round.
Elfman POV--
'Yuki she..she done that to not fight me?' I internally thought as i saw her passed out on the ground from exhaustion and pain. I then started walking up towards her and picked her up off the ground holding her in my arms. 'Shes so light so small'.
And I looked up just to see Freed there staring at Yuki.
Freed POV---
'What is she doing?' I thought as I saw Yuki summon her magic 'Elemental Mayic that's the kind she uses' I thought as she shaped them all into swords 'Oh, that must take alot of Magic' I kept watching and seeing her struggle to do what she was doing only to see something happen her eyes turned ruby red with a wierd pattern in the middle of it. 'I thought her magic was Elemental..could she possess lost magic also? No' i thought as I shook my head and focused back on her. She done signs of some sort and summoned Doppelgangers..Clones? Of herself and order the to do something and they attacked
But that's when I realized 'Shes aiming for the Thunder Palce' I stared in wonderment as she destroyed them all.
'Hehe the battle of Fairytail sure is fun.' I thought as I smirked watching the board of who's in and who's out just to notice that my Thunder Palace became disabled.
'What the?' As I stood up wondering how in the hell that happened 'Who destroyed them all?' And then I saw one name popped up on the screen 'Yuki destroyed 500.' On top of the disabled words of the thunder palace. 'Yuki huh?' I thought as I smirked remembering what Bixlow said on the day she joined the Guild.
"WELCOME TO FAIRYTAIL YUKI!" yelled Master Makarov as the whole guild started to get drunk.
"Shes a bit unique" said Bixlow aloud as he watched Yuki.
"Huh, what do you mean?" Asked Evergreen as she looked at him wierd.
Bixlow just looked at her "Her soul is different."
"How is she not human?" asked Freed as he also watched Yuki. Unknowingly Laxus himself also started listening in.
Bixlow shook his head "Shes human alright but her soul is something I havent seen before." The rest of the Thunder Legion looked at him to elaborate he just sighed "You know when you see something you always wanted, or like when you see your favorite food and you feel drawn to it?" He asked
They all nodded "Her soul is just like that at first it seemed very weak like the rest of the guilds but then after awhile I seen how strong and resilient it is. It also feels comforting looking at her... it's like looking at nature. She is a strong and formidable foe."
Evergreen furrows her brows "Maybe we could get her to join the Thunder Legion?"
"No, shes loyal through and through I can feel that."
Then Laxus finally spoke up "Then it looks like we'll have to keep an eye on her" at that the rest of them nodded.
'Looks like I have one less foe in this battle but I'm pleasantly suprised she was able to take out the whole thunder Palace by herself.'
---3rd person Back to Elfman and Yuki
Freed ran away as he felt another interesting battle will happen, so Elfman then started walking again trying to find Laxus while caring Yuki in his arms.
Soon he came upon Cana fighting Freed and Juvia upon the ground as she had hurt herself in order to not hurt Cana had friend her Nakama.
"FREED YOU BASTARD" Yelled Cana as she used her card magic to attack him. Only for Freed to use Inscription Magic : PAIN on her causing her to fall on the ground in torrent of pain. At the sight of that Elfman knew he had to help to he laid Yuki down on the ground beside Juvia as he ran into action like a man.