Chapter 38

A/N: HELLO!!!! I'm back!!!! Sorry it took me so long to create this chapter i had school, but I will update often now since I got settled in.

Also before you read this chapter is going to be very vague, there will also be a timeskip in next chapter.


"So how are you liking Konoha so far?" asked a blonde haired woman behind a desk piled up with paperwork.

The blue haired girl smiles as she answers the woman "Good Hokage-Sama. I would've never thought a village could be so..intriguing. Mother would like it here." she whispers sadly. The white haired girl just put her arm on her back as she thought about their mother.

The Hokage looked at them with pity and understanding in her eyes as she said "Wendy..Carla we'll find her." Wendy looks up as determination fills her face and she nods.

"Yes we will find Mother."

----- With Yuki now

A sudden flash of bright light filtered through the dark night of the forest as a woman appeared to be dropped from it. Crumpling to the ground with chakra and magic exhaustion she slowly slips away into deep sleep not even noticing what..or even who was around her.

But if she did pay attention then she would've noticed a familiar ghostly figure smiling at her with adoration and happiness shining through her eyes as she whispered a spell to move the unconscious Yuki into a place that is more tolerable and suited for her needs, so she could heal unhindered and unbothered by the nin who runs around and do mission within these very woods.

The ghost turns around as an animal came bursting out of the woods panting from exhaustion looking straight at Yuki. It tried to walk to her but it was hindered by the ghost as it touched it lips and shook their head "Not yet Kiko. Later yes but now no." Shocked the animal looked at her trying to find a reason why within her eyes only to see..absolutely nothing. Sighing in frustration it just stalked off throwing some words to the ghost "I will be the shadow."

The ghost smiles in understanding as she turns back to Yuki. She goes up to her and touches Yukis bare arm while whispering "You've done great things and you will do more my child. Dont give up and dont fall into the darkness...the curse your clan has to bear, if you fall Fairies will soon guide you back home. For now I shall leave you a gift my child." And with that a golden light once again lit up the place, as the once bare arm of Yuki filled itself with a large fairy-like tattoo that extends from her elbow all the way to her fingertips.

The trees and flowers felt the presence of such powerful Nature energy as they started to grow and bloom at a much faster rate and spark with new hope and life. Soon the wind starts whispering to the lands far away that the Fallen One has arrived.

---Yuki POV

"Ugh" I groaned out as I shifted on something soft and comfortable grimacing as I felt the pain and stiffness of my muscles acting up.

I then slowly cracked open my eyes a little bit to see the blurriness of a wooden structure like house about me. I closed and opened my eyes again clearing out the blurriness and sleep as I looked at my surroundings once again realizing I was inside a wooden house in the middle of the woods.

'..Wonderful..' I thought as I moved my arms so that they were slightly positioned under me so I could get up easier as I heard the crinkling of paper. My eyes brows raised high into my hairline as I gripped the paper moved it, so I can see it before my eyes and read aloud.

"Hope you slept well Yuki! I helped you out as best as I could its up to you for the rest. Check your arm and learn it."

Love, First Master

"Fuck" I groaned as I look at my arms startled as I just now noticed a black like tattoo on my arm making an elaborate design.

'Of what?' i asked myself as i set the letter down and got up out of bed.