Chapter 39

------ 2 1/2 Years Later ---- (Start of shippuden)

"Mistress we must leave." A ninja with a pure white mask on his face said to a 5'9 woman with waist length raven black hair wearing a Dark green cloak and with a pure white mask herself.

She nods in acceptance as she motioned him to follow her and they left the clearing that they were in leaving behind 13 'bloodied bodies' of Kumo missing nins.

"Let's head home." She said while they were running along trees earning a nod from her subordinate.


A black haired ninja came bursting into a office calling out "Lord Raikage!" startling his leader as he looked up from his paper work. He nods as a silent indication that the nin can speak.

"The Fallen Angel has striked again." The Raikages eyes widens as he listened "We found 13 of Kumo missing Nins in a clearing all dead."

'Damn it!' The Raikage thought as he clenched his fists in anger. 'Damn, where in the hell did that person come from? Killing missing nins from all villages without even collecting the rewards and just leaving them to rot!' His anger clearing started showing as the Shinobi was quick to leave his Kages office. 'Not only do we have to deal with 'Fallen Angel' and worrying about which side they would take if a war started; they also have to worry about the new village that was built. Its said to be as powerful as mine!' He thought angrily as he hit his fist on the table in anger breaking it in half.


The red haired Kazekage sighed as he looked at his siblings.

"Sorry Gaara no one even has a sent on 'Fallen angel'." Gaara nods as he felt a headache coming on as he turns towards his brother Kankuro.

Kankuro shook his head "We have no known located on the new village."

Gaara nods as he loses himself in his thoughts 'Where could they be hiding?' He wondered to himself as he had a suspicion or conclusion that the 'Fallen Angel' is the Kage of the new village that suddenly sprung up in the past 2 1/2 years.

---- Kiri ------

"What a wonderful person" The Mizukage purred as she read the reports on the 'Fallen Angel'

"Only if she was a man." She whispered as she put the reports down and left her office in search of a decent man.

---- Iwa -----

"FIND THEM AT ONCE" The Tsuchikage as he floated in the air. Getting nods from all the surrounding Nins as they disappeared in search of the new village and the 'Fallen Angel'

'We need an alliance with them so we can take down Konoha' He thought to himself.

--- Konoha ---

"Wendy and Carla. Your presence is required by the Hokage." an ANBU said as he then disappeared leaving behind Wendy and Carla as they prepared to head to the Hokages tower.

When they finally made it to the tower and entered the Hokages office they were greeted by the faces of the rookie 9 minus Sasuke and their Sensei's, Inoichi, and Ibiki. With the Hokage and her assistant behind the desk.

The Hokage clasped her hands as she started speaking "Now that we are all here I can began." She then stood up behind her desk "You all know we have a new hidden village right?" She got nods from everyone "And the 'Fallen Angel'?" They nodded again.

"We received word from Jiraiya that he think he might've found our where the Village is located. And that the 'Fallen Angel' is in association with the village."

The news shocked the Shinobi that was within the room.

"Team 8 and Team 10 will head to the designated point in this scroll and search for any signs of the hidden village. After all we only have a probable location."

They nodded as Tsunade handed them the scroll as they were about to leave a ninja came bursting into the office yelling.


---- ? location -----

"Lady Kamikage they say the Akatsuki attacked Suna". A Nin said as he kneeled on the floor.

The Kamikage or also known as her two nicknames in her village and the battle field 'Fallen Angel' and as the 'arata na hajimari' stood up from her desk.

"Send out two scouts and watch Konoha if they need help then help if they dont then watch from afar." She states as the ninja nods and Shunshin out of the room to get the scouts leaving the Kamikage alone in her wake.

She sighs heavily as she looked out the window at her people her village. Her village was created from scratch by her and just a handful of missing ninjas; it has developed into something bigger and stronger. This village was created for those who deserved a second chance and for those who are being hunted for their bloodlines. The Council members arent pushy and the clans dont have all the say in the village. Some people call this village a place of new beginnings. But this village is known as 'Haru No Sato' or Villags hidden in light.

'Been almost three years since I've seen you my daughters.' She thought to herself as she watched a mother walking with her children. She heard a knock on her door as she turns around to see 13 ninjas enter the same thirteen that was 'dead'.