Chapter 40

Two formerly missing Iwa nins now bearing the forehead protector of the new village 'Hikaru' are now seen running from tree to tree heading towards a location where they were suppose to watch Konoha and the Akatsuki.

The one to the right turned to the left one "When we engage should we kill them or maim them?"

The other one furrowed his brows as he came up with an answer "No, Kage-Sama would've said kill if she wanted them dead. So if we have to interfere with the battle just maim." The one who asked the question nodded in satisfaction as he looked ahead once again.

---- UNKNOWN Location---

A pale blonde haired kunoichi huffed as she sat down next to a tree root as she said aloud. "So it should be around here somewhere?"

A dark pineapple haired Nin nodded as he complained about this task and woman being to troublesome.

"I-Ino-san" Stuttered out a lavender haired girl as she looked around the clearing with her Byakugan trying to help out her friend with no avail." I-I dont see it either" she finished in a whisper. "Damn it!" Grumbled out the dog nin as he and his Nin dog both sat down with a look of irritation on his face looking back at his team mate "Shino?" he asked hopefully only to get a shake of a head.

Silence fell upon the group of ninjas as the sound of munching starts up. Pineapple nin stood up "Choji and Kiba search westward as Hinata and Ino will search the south. Leaving me with Shino and we'll search eastward." He said giving out orders as he was the leader of this mission.

"We are searching for this new village. if you find it let us know through this headset and give us the coordinates." He continued as he passed out 5 black headsets to his comrades gaining nods from them all as they then started walking in their respective directions.

-------- Akatsuki Base ------

"M-Minato Sensei" a voice choked out as they flipped over in their bed only to flip back over in the other direction as if they are having a nightmare of some sort.


A tall blonde man stood in front on training ground seven as he berates his student.

"Obito I'm disappointed with you." He stated with a stern look in his eyes causing the berates boy Obito to flinch at the cold blue eyes stare at him with no emotion.

"S-Sensei, I'm sorry " He whispers as he bows his head down.

"Your the cause of use dying! Me and Kushina couldn't raise our son because you decided to get your petty ass revenge." Tears ushered their way into Obitos eyes as he continues to look at the ground with a new growing found fascination.

A new voice continued after Minato "How? How c-" Only to have Obito look up fast and see his long dead crush standing in front of him with a disappointed look upon her face.

"YOUR NOTHING BUT A MONSTER. A LOSER. A GOOD FOR NOTHING UCHIHA. EVIL LIKE THE REST OF YOUR CLAN" A voice in the darkness of the tree yells out causing Obito to jump up to look in that direction just to see a pair of emotionless hallow eyes stare at him from within the darkness. He steps back shockingly as the voice continues getting louder and louder only to be joined by Minato-Sensei and Rin.

"No-No" He sobs aloud as he shakes his head really hard.

------Real World----

With that the man in the bed shoots up, his bedsheets pooling down around his waist with tears running down his face. As he whispers aloud "He forgave me. She forgave me. They all did. Th-"

------- KamiKage POV ----

I sighed once again as i shifted my position by the gates of my village. 'Maybe i overestimated them?' I thought to myself as I moved to walking position 'And here i also henged for no reason' i internally grumbled as i continued walking . I kept walking making it past the gate guards as i heard.

"Wait" The right guard said, I turned around to face him "Theres something coming" he continues as he points in the direction. So i turned to the direction he pointed at to see some Konoha Nins making their way out of the forest heading straight towards me.


— 3rd POV—

Soon the Konoha Ninjas came to a stop about 3 meters away from the Kamikage. The Pineapple haired one stepped in front of his group as he introduces himself and his comrades.

"I'm Shikamaru Nara the leader of this mission." He says as he points at himself gaining a nod from the Kage. "The blonde to my right is Ino Yamaka. The one standing behind her in Hinata Hyuga." The Kamikage's lips twitched in amusement. "The Ninja on the dog is Kiba Inuzaka and his Nin dog Akamaru. While the two who are holding hands are Choji Akamichi and Shino Aburmane." He finished causing the two guards by the gates to hold a knowing smirk on their faces.

The Kage looked at them for a few minutes before she replied "You may call me Lady Kage, Fallen Angel, or Kira you may chose one of these." When she finished she turns around and calls out "Oni please go and get the 'Antidote' for our two guests it seems like they're stuck together" She then turns back around to them and motioned them forward to follow her into the village.

— Shikamaru POV—

I watched the Kamikage closely as i told her the names of my team watching..waiting for an reaction from her especially at Hinata's last name but i saw nothing but a blank face as she, herself was assessing us. 'This is going to be troublesome' i thought to myself as i silently watched the guards smirking and the Kamikage asking one of her Nins to get the Antidote to reverse it. 'Should we trust her?' I asked myself as i saw no intention of harming us within her eyes just plain amusement.


"We found the Village" A voice crackled over the headset as Shikamaru recognized it As Ino's voice and so he and the others headed southward. Soon they found the two girls standing by a tree, Ino noticed them as she points Westward a few steps away from them saying "Hinata seen the Village and it looks like the KamiKage is standing outside the gates." Hinata nods an affirmative. That caused Shikamaru to be drawn into his thoughts ' standing outside the gates?' he looks up at Hinata "How long as they been their?"

Hinata shook her head "I-It looks like shes been standing their for awhile, she also hasn't moved from the spot since Ino and i arrived here." His eyebrows furrowed 'Has she been waiting on us? No, she couldn't now that we were here. Or..perha-' he was soon drawn out of his thoughts by a loud grunt beside him. Looking over he spotted Choji and Shino standing a little to close than what the used to as his eyes drifts down to see them holding hands and an embarrassed laugh escaped out of Kiba's lips.

'I was right this mission will be to troublesome.'


I slouched as I looked around the village that we were lead into secretly making a sign signaling to the others 'to keep a close watch and an eye out for anything out of the ordinary.' After that was done I really started paying attention to the people that were busy walking the streets buying their everyday needs or just walking around. 'They all seem happy' I thought to myself as he passed a pair of Mother and child smiling as they walked along the marketplace.

Soon we came upon a group of children that were playing with a ball, kicking it around. When they saw the Lady Kage they all squealed loudly "KAGE-SAMA" as they ran up to her jumping up on her causing her to grunt as she laughs at the children.

"Shika!" Ino whispered loudly. I looked around at her as I saw her point towards a white haired child with what looked like to be a three tailed turtle on his shoulder. 'Jinchuriki!'

The Kage then turns towards the boy and held out her hand as if she was motioning him to join their group hug which causes all the other kids to look back at him, soon enough one of them let's go and heads over there to him.

"Come on, Akira" He said pulling him over towards the Kage. Soon he himself joined in the hug with the children.

'Hmm Naruto he..would like this village if they're nice to their Jinchuriki.'

Soon after the hug was finished the KamiKage turn towards us once again as she spoke with steel in her voice "Yes, hes our Jinchuriki. No, we dont abuse him like you other nations do yours, we are all alive because of him. If you think or look at him like a demon I swear to whatever God you pray to I will kill you."

I smiled a little bit at her words 'Yep, Naruto would definitely like this place.