Miniscule Shifts (15.1)

When Lumina woke up, it was maybe around three in the morning, and she was pleasantly surprised to find Mina sleeping next to her, lips parted and hair spread out beneath her. As she shifted, Lumina watched Mina slowly blink her eyes, and then give her a small, sleepy smile.

"Hey, Princess," Lumina said softly, leaning down and pressing a kiss to Mina's lips, "I didn't think you'd be back till early morning."

"I didn't think so either," Mina yawned, "But Bella and some of the other members of her rebellion finished up pretty quickly today. There's been some movement but not a lot, and nothing near us. It seems like the White Lotus is keeping their distance for now."

Lumina sighed, "I wish I could be there…It's unsettling not knowing what's going on. I kind of get why the kids want to be told everything."

Mina hummed, "Tell you what. Lay down for a second?" As Lumina did what she said, Mina asked, "Can I lift up your shirt? I just want to look at the wound and the bandages, nothing else. Unless admiring how damn fit you are is nothing else."

"Go ahead, admire all you want," Lumina laughed, letting the other woman gently push her shirt up and unwrap the bandages around her torso. Gently, Mina touched her fingers to the now-closed wound, pressing lightly.

She looked up at her girlfriend, "Does it hurt?" She asked. When Lumina shook her head, Mina leaned back, pulling the shirt back down and settling into the bed next to her, "I didn't want you to be there because I didn't want you to be stressed over that while you were healing, but I think you're in good enough shape to come to the next meeting."

"Oh, thank God," Lumina turned over to face Mina, "I don't know how much longer I can stand hearing about Xander or Kaedan going on and on about wedding plans. Somehow that's more stressful than thinking about what we're going to have to do next."

Mina giggled, "Speaking of, fill me in on what I've missed? What's the plan so far?"

"The plan is I'm going to literally murder them," Lumina muttered, "They decide to wait seven years before finally getting engaged, and then what, they want a wedding in two weeks? I get they want to have the wedding before we have to set off on whatever scavenger hunt we're being sent on but still, two weeks?"

"I'm sorry, you're telling me you haven't been planning their wedding since they got back together after the mess in Sector 1? Honestly, I'm surprised they actually agreed to have a wedding, I thought they might just elope," Mina raised an eyebrow.

"If they eloped, then I would have put them both in the same grave," Lumina said seriously, "I want to see my brother get married and if I miss that, I may actually go insane."

Mina laughed, looking up at the ceiling, "Well then, I suppose we can stress them out the same way when we get married."

There was a sharp intake, "When we get married?" Lumina whispered, turning to look at her.

The younger woman's heart was pounding, "I—I mean…If you want to? I…I don't know I always just felt like since we've been by each other's side for so long, and I've…Kind of imagined it for years…So I thought that someday…"

Lumina let out a rushed breath before pressing close to Mina, "You don't know what your words do to me, Princess. Yes, of course, I want to. Someday, when we don't have everything to worry about," She murmured, pressing her lips to Mina's.

Mina melted into the kiss immediately, letting Lumina take the lead and responding to the kiss, soft, lazy, and yet just below that gentleness, something much more desperate and heated was simmering. As Lumina pulled away and looked at the woman, her shoulders moving up and down as breathed heavily and suddenly, the urge to leave Mina breathless overtook her.

Their lips crashed together, a bit rougher this time, and Mina's hands traveled into Lumina's hair, and their legs were tangled together as the older woman urged Mina to open her mouth and let her in. Mina went pliant against her, letting out a soft noise and Lumina sucked on her bottom lip, nipping at it lightly. Lumina's hands moved under the blanket and under Mina's shirt, pulling her closer and pressing them close together. Mina's leg hooked around Lumina's waist, holding her so close that there was no doubt in the other woman's mind that she didn't want to let her go.

Lumina finally shifted, pushing herself up and away from Mina, and giggled lightly at the small, adorable noise Mina let out as she grabbed at Lumina's shirt, "Wait, come back," She whined, "Where are you going?"

"Nowhere, Princess," Lumina responded, settling herself on Mina's hips, "I'm not going anywhere, I promise."

"Really? You swear?" Mina whispered.

Lumina's eyes softened, "Of course, darling, I'll never leave you. I swear," She leaned down, pressing their lips together as her hair created a curtain around them, falling loosely. Mina's hands moved from Lumina's waist to loose wrap around her shoulders and on her back as she pulled the other woman closer, opening her mouth to let Lumina enthusiastically kiss her. Lumina's hand that wasn't holding her up danced along the side of Mina's body, the shirt catching on her thumb as she began to pull it up. She pulled away to look at the woman, seeing that her eyes were blown wide open in passion and lust, looking at her through her downturned eyelashes, her face flushed, her lips red, swollen, bitten, kissed to perfection. 

She looked beautiful.

Mina's hand moved to rest on top of the one that was tugging at her shirt, "Are you sure?" She asked softly, "We don't have to go any further, you know I don't mind stopping here. It's whatever you want, Lumi."

Lumina smiled softly as Mina reached up to tuck a piece of the woman's chestnut hair behind her ear, "I'm alright to keep going. Are you? I don't want you to be forcing yourself either," She murmured.

Mina nodded, "Oh, dear Lord, yes. Please continue," She said almost hurriedly and Lumina couldn't help but laugh and kiss her. Mina's enthusiasm was adorable.

Lumina pulled away and started to trail small kisses against the woman's jaw, leaving small marks against the soft skin. Mina tilted her head up, letting out soft pants as her fingers ran through Lumina's hair and thoroughly messed it up. The older woman's eyes shone like molten gold as her eyes flitted up to gauge Mina's reaction, making her way down from the woman's jaw to her neck. Pressing kisses along the column of her neck, Lumina sucked on the skin lightly, watching the darker coloration fade into existence. Mina's legs twitched a bit, Lumina could feel it behind her as she leaned down to ravish the other woman's neck and shoulders. At the slightly rougher treatment, Mina let out a soft moan as her back arched off the bed.

"You're sensitive," She murmured against her skin, a smile on her face, "It's really adorable."

"It's been…A while since I've done something like this," Mina managed to speak out through her breathing, "You can't really blame me."

Lumina laughed, "I'm not complaining, Princess," She said, a fond smile on her face, and her hands danced against the bottom of the shirt, "Can I…" 

Mina didn't respond, instead, she pushed herself up and raised her hands so Lumina could pull her shirt off and toss it somewhere. Now that more of Mina's skin was on display, Lumina leaned down, sucking and kissing near her collarbone and along the curves of her chest. Mina tugged on Lumina's shirt a little bit and stopped her, "Off, please," She said softly, and Lumina cursed under her breath as she tugged her shirt over her head. Mina's hands seemed to grasp at the hard planes of her abs as though she was in a desert and Lumina's body was an oasis, "You're so gorgeous," She murmured, leaning up to press a kiss right under where Lumina's bra ended. 

The other woman slowly pushed her back down, pressing their bodies together, warm skin against warm skin, lips pressing against and devouring each other. As her hands roamed the planes of Lumina's back, Mina's fingers started deftly unhooking the clasp of her bra. She gasped slightly as she felt Lumina's hands dance under the waistband of her shorts, slowly tugging it down.

Mina pulled back and one more time, she asked, "Are you sure?"

Lumina cupped her face and pressed their foreheads together, her eyes glowing with love and something else, not simply lust or adoration but more akin to a combination of both. Smiling, she kissed the woman she was delighted to call her girlfriend.

"I'm sure."