Miniscule Shifts (15.2)

"Owen, you and Lumina really don't have to work this hard," Kaedan said, looking a little bit concerned at the serious look on the boy's face, "Really, we don't want that big of a wedding, it's just so we can make it official, really—"

Owen shot him a look, "No, no, you both went and did this, now you have to let us fuss over it. If anyone deserves a perfect wedding, it's you guys. Besides, it keeps us busy and gives us something to worry about while you guys are at those meetings with Bella and her team."

At that, Kaedan felt a little bit of guilt, "I'm sorry we haven't really told you yet, it's just…We…"

But Owen shook his head as he smiled, "I'm not mad. I don't think Fenix, Val, and Nia are either. We get it, you guys don't want us to have to worry about it. At some point, we're going to find out but I think we all kind of appreciate the break. There's a lot we didn't really get to do because of everything going on. It's giving us a chance to relax before everything inevitably goes to shit again."

"If it comforts you, we haven't really made any big decisions," Kaedan offered, "Really we're just tracking the White Lotus's movements and getting reports from the other branches of Bella's rebellion. Most of the big information we need is actually from Risále—Well, Apocalypse—But she hasn't spoken up yet. All we really know is that there's movement in Sector 3, which means we're probably headed there."

"Ah…" Owen winced, "Of course, it would be that place."

Kaedan looked at him sympathetically, "Bella did say to mention that to you and Fenix. She and the rest of us also agree that if you two especially don't want to come along, that's completely fine. You guys can stay here."

At this, Owen shook his head, "I'm speaking for myself here, but I don't think I could stand watching my older brother head into a dangerous situation and just stand aside. And I'm sure it's the same for Fenix with Bella."

The older man sighed, rubbing his temples, "Honestly, I was kind of hoping you would agree to stay here, even though I knew you wouldn't agree. It would have made me a bit less worried if you, Fenix, Val, and Nia stayed. I would have hoped to have everyone younger than Mina stay back but…We will need Risále, Leon, Bella, and Hyunwoo."

"Did you guys ask Fenix, Val, and Nia?"

"Bella said she would ask Fenix, although, she doesn't have much hope that they'll agree to stay. Hyunwoo already talked to Val, agreeing to stay if they wanted to but of course, Val knows Hyunwoo definitely doesn't want to wait back while Risále, Leon, and Bella all go. Elliot's going to talk to Nia," Kaedan explained.

Owen laughed softly, "Knowing Fenix and Nia especially, they'll both definitely say they want to go. You know how stubborn they can be. Val might have been the only reasonable one but…They also have the most motivation to go, not only because of Hyunwoo and Bella but also since they're a part of the Rebellion as well."

Kaedan sighed, "Yeah, yeah, I know. I just…" He took a deep breath, "I hate that you're going back there after everything that happened. I…I couldn't stop them from taking you last time—Especially since they let me go and everything, yet no matter what I did I couldn't bring you back…"

Owen put the pencil in his hand down as he turned completely in the chair to face the man, "Kaedan, you know I don't blame you for that, right?"

"I know. But I can't help but blame myself."

"There wasn't anything you could have done. Especially since our mother didn't let you intervene, and by the time she was gone, well…You thought I was dead. I was six when they moved me over from the facility we were both in at Sector 1 to the one in Sector 3. You couldn't have possibly known," Owen said softly, "The most important thing to me is that you never forgot me. While I…"

Kaedan smiled sadly, "I don't think it's that you forgot me, I've just changed since back then."

Owen shook his head, "Even then. They screwed with my memories, Kaedan. I didn't even know I had a family. Until you asked me back at that cave all those months ago, I didn't even know I had a mother. I mean, obviously, I had a mother but I thought I was an orphan from the start. I couldn't remember you at all. Even now, I only recently started remembering things here and there and most of it is about that woman…"

"It's not something you can blame yourself for. Our mother," Kaedan grimaced, "Wasn't the best person. I wish I could tell you something good about her but honestly, I've had enough time to move on and come to terms with the fact that she was a bad person and an even worse mother. Especially after finding out the truth from Xander…I don't really have any love left for her. Father wasn't much better. Mother was mentally unstable and Father just sat back and let her run the kingdom into the ground. Really, the only person worth caring about was Wyran."

"...Tell me about him," Owen replied.

Kaedan took a deep breath, "He was the best older brother I could have asked for. He was the first one I came out to when I realized I was trans. Of course, he was supportive, because that was just how Wyran was. He always argued with Mother and Father when they wouldn't let me do what I wanted. When I got the surgeries, it was him who had been with me the whole time. I think he might have felt bad, honestly. Mother and Father were harder on me than him, so he went out of his way to make life easier for me. He was the one that taught me how to drive, to cook, and he was the one that taught me how to use this," He pointed at the whip hooked to his belt, "And I taught Lumina. He was best friends with Xander, I met Xander through him. I remember I was so against having Xander help me because I was convinced I didn't need help. And you know how stubborn I can be," He laughed, "But Wyran had told me to trust Xander. Even if I didn't admit it, if Wyran said to trust him, then I would trust him. Wyran always wanted what was best for me."

"He sounds wonderful," Owen said softly, "I…I wish I had the chance to meet him again. I wish I could remember him."

Kaedan smiled as he ruffled Owen's hair, "I remember the first time he held you when you were a baby. I was only around ten, he was fifteen. You loved him as a baby, it was actually really funny. I don't know how, but somehow in your little toddler mind, you had already decided that you didn't like our parents. Whenever you cried, only Wyran or I could calm you down."

"Could have called me the prophetic baby, then," Owen grinned.

"I think you learned that from Wyran or something. He always seemed to know things would happen before they actually did. He kind of always knew I was trans, and even if I wasn't subtle, he still figured it out before I did. He knew Mother was going to try and strip me of my title as Prince, he wasn't sure how but he knew it was going to happen. And then…" Kaedan's smile turned sad, "He did say that he would wait until Xander and I got married. I…I told him that when I got married, it wouldn't be Father walking me down the aisle. It would be him."

They were both silent for a moment, before Owen spoke, "Even if he can't be here, I'm sure he'd be happy that the day has come. You deserve to be happy, both you and Xander."

Kaedan nodded, but then took Owen's hands in his own, "I…Actually wanted to ask you something. I know, the common practice is to have a father figure walk you down the aisle but…I'd really like it if you did it. You're my brother too and I just…I'd really like it if you'd do it. It was going to be either you or Mina since Mina has known me the longest, if you agree to this, Mina will be my best woman. But, really, no pressure, you don't have to—"

Owen covered Kaedan's hand with his mouth, "Kaedan, shut up. I'd love to walk you down the aisle, as long as you're okay with it. I don't want it to feel like I'm replacing Wyran—"

"He's your brother as much as he's mine. If he knew that you could be here, he would want this too," Kaedan said firmly.

Owen still seemed hesitant, but seeing how insistent and confident Kaedan was about it, he couldn't find it in himself to say no.

"If it would make you happy, then I'd be honored to," Owen said, leaning over and hugging Kaedan, "Thank you for letting me do this."

The older man chuckled and stroked Owen's head, "You know when you first dyed your hair, the first thing I thought was 'Oh God, now I understand how Wyran felt,' when I was around seventeen, I dyed my hair this bright orange-like, neon orange. It looked terrible."

"Are you trying to tell me the mint hair looks terrible?"

"Oh no, certainly not. It's definitely a shocker at first but I think it does suit you. It was just that initial moment of panic where it was like 'Dear Lord, what has the idiot done now' sort of thing. I've always seen you as a little brother, even before we found out. Don't feel bad about not remembering me, alright? Even if you can't remember back then, I still like to think we have the times after we met each other again," Kaedan said.

Owen hummed, nodding, letting himself slump against Kaedan's side as he hugged him around the waist, "I'm really glad you're my brother. Even if we weren't actually related, I wouldn't have minded, but it does make me a bit happy to know that I…I did have a family. I always wanted to know about my family since I didn't know much but…I couldn't have asked for a better person to be my older brother."

"Owen, chico, you need to stop or else I'm going to start crying," Kaedan chuckled, patting his head.


"Says you," They both sat there in comfortable silence for a bit before Kaedan could vaguely make out Mina yelling something at him, and he sighed, "Well, I guess that's my cue to go. I think Mina wants to go look for a cake or something for the wedding. Wanna come along?"

Owen looked over at the folder with the papers in it, considered it for a moment, then stood up, grabbing it, "Yeah, you know what, Lumina can deal with these. Let's go eat some motherfucking cake."


"You're my brother, not my dad, calm down."

"I'm close enough."

"You know what, that entire conversation we just had? I take it back."

"You love me."

"...Yeah, fine, whatever."