Miniscule Shifts (15.3)

"You've certainly still got the moves," Leon stopped his attack on the training dummy in front of him as he heard the familiar voice call out to him, "Although you've certainly grown stronger as well."

He grinned as he dropped the training pole that substituted for any weapon he needed, pulling the claw clip out of his hair and shaking it out before putting it back up again, "Well, I just added my own additions. I learned from the best, of course."

Hyunwoo smiled fondly, shaking his head, "You're too modest and give me too much credit. I might have started learning self-defense and fighting before you, but we still did learn together. Besides, the way you've turned what you learned into your own unique fighting style is amazing."

Leon couldn't help the way his cheeks flushed red, "Hyun," He whined, covering his face, "Seriously, you praise me too much. It really isn't anything that important…"

"On the contrary," Hyunwoo hopped over the rubber cords that fenced in the small fighting area, "You even managed to teach someone else how to fight like that. Multiple other people, in fact. I can see your fighting style in Fenix, Owen, and Risá. It really is impressive," He leaned over, smiling a little mischievously, "Besides, we both know you like the praise—"

His boyfriend covered his mouth quickly, somehow blushing even harder, "It's so unfair that literally no one will believe me when I say that you are a teasing menace. This is why I'm so glad Risále and Bella are dating you as well, at least they believe me," He muttered and Hyunwoo kissed the palm of his hand.

"I was just being honest, sweetheart," He said, taking Leon's hand in his own and pressing another kiss to the back of it, "Although, now that I think about it, it's been quite a while since we sparred, no?"

Leon hummed, "It's been more than three years. Am I sensing an invitation?" He asked. Hyunwoo chuckled and let go of Leon's hand, tying his own long, dark brown hair into a high ponytail.

"Certainly. I would love to see you in action, especially against me," He said, raising an eyebrow as Leon pulled off his own white crop top and tossed it to the side, leaving him in a black tank top, "Is this an attempt to distract me?"

"Well, it wasn't before but since you brought it up, is it working?" Leon responded, throwing him a wink.

"As beautiful as you are, my dear, I think I'm more excited to see you in action," Hyunwoo teased back, grabbing the bottom of the oversized hoodie and pulling it over his head, placing it on the side. Leon gulped as his eyes roamed his boyfriend's bare, fit body, "Oh? Maybe I'm not the only one that's distracted…"

Leon smirked, "Well, I think I'm the winner in the end. After all, you're my boyfriend. Now…" He tossed him one of the training poles, "Are we gonna go?"

Hyunwoo smiled back, a deceptively pleasant smile as he gestured for Leon to come at him with one hand.

Leon wasted no time, rushing at him, using the pole to try and force Hyunwoo back. The taller man met him at full force, using the stick to hold Leon off, but he hadn't even moved a step back. Leon's eyes glinted as he swept his leg out, trying to kick Hyunwoo's feet out from underneath him. The other boy jumped easily, spinning the pole between his fingers, and shifted forward, shoving back against Leon. The blonde quickly parried, before asking, "Will you get mad at me if I punch you?" 

"Go ahead and try," Hyunwoo smirked.

This was why Leon loved sparring with Hyunwoo. The man was a gentleman all of the time, he was sweet, kind, and considerate of others. But when he was fighting, it was a raw side of Hyunwoo, one where he was selfish, where he was somehow still responsible and yet he let himself have unrestrained fun. He was a beautiful sight.

And Leon couldn't hide the innate joy that he felt, knowing Hyunwoo showed that part of him to him.

"You're getting distracted, love," Hyunwoo reminded him, managing to push him back. Leon stumbled slightly but used the pole to stabilize himself.

"I can't help myself, you're a sight when you're fighting."

"I could say the same for you."

Suddenly, an idea occurred to Leon. He used the pole to vault himself forward and as Hyunwoo went to kick him, he ducked under the boy's leg and grabbed his pole. It was difficult to wrench it out of Hyunwoo's hand, the boy had always been deceptively strong, but an unforeseen uppercut was enough to throw him off so Leon could pull the pole away and throw it to the side.

"Oh? Hand-to-hand?" Hyunwoo asked, leaning out of the way as Leon threw a strong punch, "You've gotten much better. Last time I remember, you preferred weapons to hand-to-hand."

Leon leaned back rolling back his shoulders and grinning, "Well, I wasn't going to just let you completely defeat me when we met again."

Hyunwoo smirked, "Confident, hm? I like it. Although I'm sorry to disappoint, you're not the only one who has grown. Bella is a very formidable opponent, and I certainly had to improve to keep up with her."

"I'm excited to see what you've got, then," Leon responded, and with that, he lunged forward at him, throwing a punch. Hyunwoo grabbed his arm, pulling him forward and ducking out of the way, trying to throw the other boy off balance. As Leon hit the ground though, he used the floor to launch himself up, kicking upwards. Hyunwoo seemed to have been thrown off by this, stumbling back a little bit but quickly regaining his balance.

Leon was back on his feet and ran at Hyunwoo, but instead of attacking, he hooked his leg around Hyunwoo's waist and pulled him close. Within seconds, Hyunwoo was on the ground, Leon leaning over him. Before the younger could say anything, though, Leon found himself being flipped over, back hitting the ground as a weight settled on his hips. His hands were pinned above his head, one hand gripping both of his wrists while another tipped his chin up.

Violet eyes met electric blue, and Hyunwoo's voice was soft yet firm when he murmured, "Yield."

Leon gulped, "Yeah. Yeah, okay. I yield. I yield," There was a moment of tension before Hyunwoo leaned down at the same time Leon craned his neck up, their lips crashing together. Hyunwoo's grip on Leon's wrists loosened enough for him to pull his hands out and reach up to cup Hyunwoo's face, pulling him back into another kiss when the older boy pulled back for a moment. His hands tangled in the ponytail and he didn't hesitate to pull the hair tie out of his hair, running his fingers through the long, dark brown hair. While this sort of thing didn't always happen for the two of them after sparring, whenever it did, it was a thrilling feeling. Hyunwoo's weight on him was comforting and heady, the way he kissed languidly and yet managed to entirely dominate it, it was all so familiar.

Leon was finally left breathless while Hyunwoo pulled away, smiling warmly and cupping his face, "Well, that certainly was a wonderful prize."

"God, you're a flirt," Leon responded in between catching his breath, "No wonder Risá and Bella wanted you too, you're so hard not to fall in love with."

Hyunwoo leaned down, connecting their lips softly and slowly before responding, "I'm not the only one," He rubbed Leon's cheek with his thumb, tracing the planes of his face until it reached the boy's lips, resting on it softly.

Then, he leaned back and moved off of Leon, holding his hand up for the other boy to hold. Leon gripped it and let Hyunwoo pull him up, but it seemed he had mistaken his own strength and Leon crashed right against him as he pulled him up. Hyunwoo's hand gripped his waist to steady him as he grabbed the taller boy's shoulder.

"Woah, calm down there, strong boy, I'm not that heavy," Leon laughed a little but his face turned slightly pink as Hyunwoo didn't move the hand on his waist and instead, took one of the hands resting on his shoulder and trailed his hand fingers up Leon's forearm, intertwining their fingers together.

"Do you know what this reminds me of?" He asked, leaning down a bit, his forehead against Leon's. The other boy shook his head, and Hyunwoo continued, "It reminds me of that time when I taught you how to waltz."

Now that he said it, Leon remembered a time a few years ago, two teenage boys in a small apartment, soft music floating through the air, rays of moonlight shining through the balcony door, lighting up the small living room and connected kitchen. The taller boy's hands were on the shorter's waist, and helping him sway. The soft chatter and laughter between the two dulled to a comfortable silence as the shorter leaned his head against the crook of the other's neck, eyes fluttering shut. Pulling back a little, the taller's hand rested against the side of the shorter's face, leading him into a slow, gentle kiss. They moved to the music gently, with no urgency.

It was a simpler time. One that Leon missed, but wasn't sure if he could go back to. But the nostalgia was sweet, and he couldn't help but indulge. It seemed Hyunwoo felt the same way as he began to sway, pulling Leon along with him.

"What are you doing, Hyun?" Leon asked softly.

"Dancing, sweetheart," He responded, leaning down to kiss his cheek.

"We don't have music though."

"We've never really needed music, have we?" 

Leon couldn't argue with that. After all, Hyunwoo and him and never needed guidelines for anything, for dancing, for their relationship, whatever it was they could always make it work. Letting the brunette move him, Leon swayed along as well.

"It was the first time I told you I loved you," Leon said, a realization settling in, "The time when you taught me to waltz was when I first said it."

Hyunwoo leaned his head against Leon's forehead, "You remember that?"

Leon smiled, "Of course, how could I forget?" Hyunwoo pressed their lips together again. This time the kiss was short and sweet and when they pulled back, Leon buried his blushing face in the side of Hyunwoo's neck as the other boy giggled.

He used his hand to guide Leon's head back up, his eyes meeting his boyfriends', "You're adorable, darlin', how am I supposed to resist you?"

"Then don't," Leon whispered, and Hyunwoo was kissing him again, his mouth sliding slickly against the blonde's. Leon made a small, throaty sound, his hands grasping Hyunwoo's forearms before sliding up to dangle over his shoulders, pulling the man closer to him. It wasn't enough, though, Leon wanted to feel his skin against his own.

He pulled away for a moment, gasping. Hyunwoo made a questioning noise before watching him with hungry eyes as Leon pulled his tank top over his head and tossed it to the side, revealing his bare skin. In an instant, they were on each other, hands scrabbling for warm skin, lips meeting again.

This was another side of Hyunwoo that Leon loved seeing. Hyunwoo was a gentleman in the bedroom the majority of the time, taking good care of him whenever they decided to go further. But once in a while, Hyunwoo would be selfish about his desires, and that was when Leon loved it.

Hyunwoo leaned down a bit to grab Leon by the back of his thighs and hike him up, the other man not hesitating to wrap his legs around his boyfriend's waist as he kissed him. And one of the things Leon loved about when they got to this point was that Hyunwoo kissed to devour. He started to do what he really wanted and fuck if that wasn't sexy as hell.

Leon's back was on the ground before he knew it, his legs still locked around Hyunwoo's waist as the man pressed down against him, mouthing at his neck. Leon let out a quiet moan before tipping his head up and digging his heels into Hyunwoo's back, his hands tangling in the older man's hair as he pushed him closer.

Hyunwoo's hands trailed along his body, gripping his hips as he nipped at the junction of Leon's neck, sucking at the skin there. He noticed Leon pressing the back of his hand to his mouth to quiet his noises and clicked his tongue. Grabbing Leon's hand, he pressed it down against the ground before murmuring, "I want to hear you, love."

Well, if Hyunwoo was going to ask him like that—

As the man dove back in, set on making a mess of Leon's neck, the blonde man stopped holding back. He knew the training room was soundproof and he had seen Hyunwoo lock the door when he came in, "Please," He whined, "I need you. Please, hyung."

With that word, Hyunwoo's eyes flashed darker, "Fuck, you know what it does to me when you call me that, A'Hyuk," He said lowly, pressing kisses down from the man's neck to his shoulder before sinking his teeth into the soft skin there. Leon let out a soft noise, his hips bucking up instinctively.

Hyunwoo didn't curse all that often, but him saying "fuck" in that tone? Leon was already so far gone, "I—" He cleared his throat, "Take me, hyung."

Oh, but words really could break a man.

"Not here," Hyunwoo said breathily, standing up and lifting Leon with him effortlessly, "Bedroom. No one else is at home right now, just hold onto me—"

"Hurry up," Leon urged him, "Please."

"Fuck. Okay. Hang on, baby, I'll give you what you want," Hyunwoo murmured against Leon's ear.

He couldn't remember how they got to their room. But Leon was damn sure he would never forget what happened after the door closed behind them.

It was a couple of hours later that Leon roused to hear a familiar voice, "—One of the rebellion section leaders has asked for an emergency meeting. I was going to ask if you both wanted to come along but I don't want to bother you two if you're too tired," Bella was at the door, talking to Hyunwoo

"What is it?" The dark-haired man asked, and Leon moved out of sight of the door before tugging on a pair of pants and moving over to Hyunwoo, peering over his shoulder. Hyunwoo moved out of the way a bit naturally, and Leon noticed the tenseness in her shoulders. He placed a hand on it comfortingly. The woman sighed, some of the tension leaving her body, but not much.

"Movements. They're small and…There doesn't seem to be a pattern or an obvious reason. Which is what worries me the most. I can't quite tell what they're getting up to," Bella said, her eyebrows pinched.

Leon hummed, "We're here for you as well. You don't have to try and take it all on your own. We'll come with you, of course," He said. The small smile Bella gave him was enough to set his heart pounding again.

"Thank you, Leon. I really do appreciate it. I really appreciate both of you. It's…Easier not having to do these meetings alone. Even having just someone else from this group there makes it a bit better."

"Anything to make it easier on you, Mira," Hyunwoo said softly, kissing her forehead, "Now, come on, let's go."

Many people in Leon's situation may have been jealous, watching a display like that. But that wasn't the case for him. All he felt was happiness, watching the people that he cared about be happy with each other. The only thing he might have wanted was perhaps to be a part of their moments sometimes.

But that was a small problem for Leon to deal with later. For now, he was happy.