Restless Interlude (22.3)

Owen woke up to almost total darkness outside, an arm slung over his waist and the dull light of the small lamp barely lighting up the room. He turned his head to see Fenix cuddled up against him, pressing his face into the side of Owen's neck. 

Carefully, he pulled himself out of Fenix's embrace, stretching a bit as he stood up and yawned, padding over carefully to the door of the room they were shown. Bella and Leon had woken Owen and Fenix up when they had arrived but they were both so tired that they simply ended up falling asleep again as soon as they'd gotten into a room. Of course, this meant they'd probably end up waking up at strange times, hence Owen being awake at 3:45 AM at the moment, but it…It felt good to be able to really get some rest.

He headed down the steps slowly so as to not wake anyone, looking for a glass of water when to his surprise, he saw someone sitting at the dining table, their head in their hands. Stepping closer, he called out, "Mina?"

The blue-haired woman looked up, seeing Owen standing in front of her, "Oh, it's you. You're finally awake?" She tried to give him a small smile.

Owen simply sat down in the chair next to her, "What's wrong?"

The smile slipped off her face, and she sighed, "I guess I wasn't really trying to hide it or anything either, the only reason you and Fenix don't know is because you were asleep," She took a deep breath, "We're going into Sector 3 in three days, while the others get into the ball that Kaedan's father—I suppose he's your father as well—Is hosting."

"My father…" Owen trailed off, "It sounds wrong, doesn't it? Like, with Kaedan, it felt right knowing he was my brother. Maybe it's because he had been searching for me all along. But I just…That man isn't my father."

"That's completely understandable," Mina nodded, "Trust me, I get that. There's a reason I ran away from Sector 2, and it was basically 33% my distant family, 33% my father, and 34% my bitch of a little brother."

Owen hummed in agreement, "So, what happened? Because that's not all that happened obviously, or you wouldn't look like this."

"Thanks, kid," Mina said dryly, "...They've come up with a plan to weaken the White Lotus. We've got a member of the monarchy in each Sector in our group now, and we're both direct descendants. If we both happened to be able to ascend to the throne, then…."

"Then you have significant power over the Sectors, including the White Lotus!" Owen exclaimed, "It's a good plan, isn't it? So, why…"

Mina sighed, "It is a good plan if everything works, that is. It would mean that Kaedan would have to kill the King of Sector 1, and I would have to kill Julian, and both of us would have to claim the throne. It'll be much easier for Kaedan, as Sector 1 was strongly monarchy-focused before it fell apart. I'm more worried about me."

"You can definitely kill Julian," Owen supplied.

"I certainly think I have the ability to kill him. But the frustrating thing is that for how insane he is, Julian is actually very intelligent. This isn't going to be so easy, he definitely expects me to attempt to kill him eventually, and at a big celebration like this where he's probably expecting us to attack? Something isn't right. Plus, what worries me is Sector 2 is both monarchy and government-focused, so there is a chance that if Julian has enough White Lotus members in his personal cabinet, he could set this up so that I wouldn't receive the crown even if I killed him," Mina explained, "We're operating on the assumption that birthright claim to the throne can overthrow the orders of the current ruler. The throne technically belongs to me, so we're hoping that if I kill Julian, my birthright claim to the throne will be enough to override whatever the White Lotus government says, but there's no guarantee."

Owen tilted his head, "Ah," he placed his chin on his hands, "That doesn't sound very good."

Mina nodded, "Yeah, it isn't. But you shouldn't have to worry about that." 

Owen let out a small laugh, "Of course, I'm going to worry. My big brother and my big sister are going to be at risk for this, how could I not be worried?"

"...I always get a bit surprised when you call me your big sister," Mina murmured.

"Well, you are," Owen said, shrugging, "I've always seen you as an older sister figure, and the fact that you basically grew up as Kaedan's little sister only really strengthened that."

Mina looked down, "Honestly…I was worried you might have, you know, not really been happy about that. I feel like I replaced you as his younger sibling, so I thought you might have felt bad…"

Owen shook his head, "Absolutely not, never. I know how much you did for Kaedan and how much he's done for you. Even if Kaedan wasn't my brother, you and Lumina still saved me and Fenix back then. You took us in and you took care of us like we were your own family."

"You are our family," Mina said softly.

"Exactly. And you're Kaedan's sister as well. Which makes you my big sister double the amount," Owen grinned.

"Not sure that's how it works, kiddo."

"Well, I say that's how it works, so that's how it works."

Mina laughed, "Alright then. Actually, I've been meaning to ask, how are you feeling about being back here?" She asked him, reaching out to put a hand on his shoulder as he sighed.

"I don't know…Strange?" He replied, "It certainly isn't a welcome feeling, I don't really want to be here but…" He let out a breath, "I'll be much more helpful here. Besides…Maybe confronting the feelings that come with being back here will help make the nightmares go away."

"I'm not so sure about that…" Mina said carefully, "While you both were asleep, some of the people in this camp kind of took us near the border of the Sector, to see what it's like inside now. Especially since none of us have been here in quite a few months after going into Sector 2. It's…Not good in there."

Owen looked at her face, and his heart sank, "What did you see Mina?" He asked.

Mina sighed, "...They've found a way to chip everyone, they're basically zombies who do their simple human functions and basically have their lives dictated to them through a loudspeaker. They've basically been brainwashed to do whatever the White Lotus wants, and with the fact that the White Lotus is in charge of this Sector…No one really fought back."

"Holy shit, what the fuck…"

Owen and Mina turned to see Fenix staring at the woman, wide-eyed, from the entrance to the kitchen. "Fenix, you're awake?"

"You weren't in bed with me, I couldn't fall back asleep," Fenix said, "But go back, Mina, are you serious?"

"Yeah," Mina nodded, "It was really freaky, I won't lie to you."

Fenix ran a hand through his own hair, "Jesus, they really did turn it into a fucking cult. I always felt like it was a cult but now it actually is. What type of dystopian-ass shit is this?"

"Your guess is as good as mine," Mina shrugged, "Just…Are you both sure you're ready for something like that? If you really don't want to go, we'll all understand. You guys can stay here, and once Lumi, Bella, Leon, and I are done, we'll come to get you to go to the ball. We'll get there faster since we won't be taking a shuttle but an actual fighter jet."

Fenix looked at Owen, "I don't know about you," He began, "But I think I need to see this for myself. Plus, I…I have my reasons for wanting to go," He looked down, "If I'm guessing right, my bastard of an uncle will be there. And if she's even still alive, my aunt is probably there as well. And I don't have any fondness for either of them, in fact, I feel quite the opposite."

Mina hummed, "Bella mentioned earlier that they were probably in there and that this was probably caused by them, seeing as she recognized their work. I can't stop you if you really want to come but…It's probably better if you don't."

"If we all just avoided our traumas like that, then Leon and Bella would have to sit this one out as well," Owen pointed out, "You're going to need us both there anyways. It'll be easier if the majority of us know our way around the Sector, especially since you and Lumina have never been here before."

"That's true…" Mina trailed off, "Alright, fine, how about we discuss this with the others tomorrow? Or later today, I suppose. You guys should probably go back to sleep to reset your sleep schedule."

Fenix looked at her pointedly, "You should go back to sleep as well, especially before your girlfriend wakes up and finds you gone."

Mina laughed, "Oh, trust me, she's fine. She's a heavy sleeper. But yeah, I'll be going now as well. Go to bed soon, alright? Both of you," She stood up and turned towards the stairwell, waving over her shoulder before heading upstairs.

Fenix hopped up onto the table as Owen moved around the kitchen, making some hot chocolate, "Alright, what were you both talking about before I came downstairs?"

Owen placed the two cups in the microwave and turned it on, before turning back to lean on the counter, facing his boyfriend, "It's a long story…" He sighed, before explaining everything Mina had told him about her and Kaedan attempting to kill the current people on the throne.

"That's…A risky move," Fenix said thoughtfully as Owen handed him one of the cups and sat on the table as well, "They're already expecting the rebellion to attempt to steal the Wings at the ball, so there will definitely be very high-level security around Julian himself and Kaedan's dad. If Mina and Kaedan don't succeed in killing them and escaping immediately after…"

"They could get killed in the process, yeah, that's what I'm worried about," Owen sighed, "I'm not about to lose two older siblings."

Fenix smiled at him, "At this point, you and Kaedan should just adopt Mina into your family. She certainly hates being a Rowlock enough."

"Hm, I would have said the same thing except I get the feeling that Mina has a motivation now. She wants to change the Rowlock name. I think she's realized the thing that her family wouldn't be able to stand is watching her change the legacy of the Rowlock name. But even though she's not blood-related to me and we don't share a last name, she will always be a big sister to me."

Fenix seemed to pause for a moment before he put his cup down on the table. Owen heard the cup against the wood and turned to look at the other boy, but in that instant, he felt lips against his own. He didn't hesitate to put his cup on the table as well, leaning forward to cup Fenix's face with his hand and kissing back. Fenix's lips were warm and Owen could taste the chocolate from the drink as the other slowly kissed him.

As they pulled away, Owen raised an eyebrow, "Did I do something to deserve that, or…" He said, looking at the ginger expectantly.

He hummed, "No, nothing in particular. I just…I remember how lonely you were the last time we were here and hearing you tell me how badly you wished you had a family that loved you. Seeing you have this family now…It makes me really happy for you."

"You're part of it, you know? Even when I didn't have the others, I had you," Owen said softly.

Fenix smiled, leaning his head on Owen's shoulder as they looked out the window, up into the night sky at the glowing, shimmering stars, "That's right. You always had me, even when you didn't know it."

"Romantic sap," Owen said, playfully.

"Only for you," Fenix responded. He was rewarded with another slow kiss against his lips.

Owen hopped down, standing in between Fenix's legs as he pressed another quick kiss to his boyfriend's lips, "Back to bed?"

"Unless you've got plans to do something else," Fenix wiggled his eyebrows and Owen smacked his arm lightly.

"Don't joke about that or you'll be so tired you won't wake up until noon tomorrow," He said, rolling his eyes and heading towards the stairs, "You coming?"

Fenix stared at him, flabbergasted, "Y—You—Owen, you can't just say things like that!"

Owen had a deadpan look on his face, "Fenix, I'm a teenager and I have a very, very, very hot boyfriend. I certainly know what I want."

Needless to say, Fenix choked on air.

The younger boy snorted before leaning forward, leaning his hands on the table against the outside of Fenix's thighs, "So? Are you going to kiss me or what?" He murmured, brushing his nose against Fenix, their lips bare inches apart.

Well, Fenix wasn't going to back down from a challenge.

His legs hooked around Owen's waist, his heels digging into his back as cupped the younger boy's face to pull him closer. Pressing their lips together, he felt Owen's hands trace up his legs to settle on his hips before tugging him closer, one of his hands sliding back to splay across the small of his back.

Owen's tongue swiped across Fenix's lower lip and the older boy let out a small noise, tensing up a bit at it, "Owen, not here," He murmured, pulling away and panting, "Or I think the others will kill us."

The other boy didn't hesitate, slipping his hands under Fenix's thighs and lifting him with practically no struggle. Fenix yelped, scrambling to throw his arms around Owen's shoulders and clinging to him like a cat. Owen didn't seem to be affected, turning and heading back towards the staircase.

When the door was closed and locked behind them, Fenix grunted as he was dropped onto the bed, Owen climbing over him, "Owen—" He began to say but was cut off as the boy kissed him, pressing him into the sheets. Fenix moved his legs, pushing his knee up to try and urge Owen closer to him, his arms around his boyfriend's neck. Owen's hands slipped under his back, tracing up and down, drawing random patterns against his skin.

Owen pulled away only to lean up and nip at his ear and smirked a bit as Fenix let out a small noise before getting embarrassed and hiding his face in Owen's neck, "I love how sensitive your ears are," He whispered, blowing lightly against his ear, and Fenix shivered as he clutched at Owen's shoulders, "It's adorable, you're so confident around everyone else but all it takes is a few kisses and you're such a mess."

Fenix looked away, his face red, "...You're so…" He began to say, "You're so unfair, I thought I knew what I was getting into and then you pulled this on me."

"But you like it," Owen said, no doubt in his voice as he raised an eyebrow, sitting back on Fenix's lap.

"...Shut up and kiss me," The other boy grumbled, and Owen obliged, leaning down, grabbing each of his wrists and holding them down against the bed. He kissed Fenix on the mouth once before nudging at the boy's jaw. Fenix took the hint and tilted his head back, letting out a moan as Owen got to work on his neck, leaving wet kisses and small bites against the skin. 

Owen's hands slipped under Fenix's shirt, fingers scratching lightly against warm skin. As if the sensation broke him out of his trance, Owen stopped and pulled back, panting. His eyes were darkened with desire, his silver eye glowing.

It was clear that Owen wanted him. And Fenix would never stop being surprised at how the notion of Owen wanting him didn't bother him the way it would have had it been anyone else.

"Fenix, I know we haven't gone that far, and I don't want to push you," The younger boy said, intertwining his fingers with Fenix's, "We can stop here if you don't want to keep going."

It was true, they hadn't gone further than making out a bit more than that due to Fenix asking to take it slow, and Owen had been amazing about it. Even if he was comfortable with the idea of being desired by Owen, it was still a process to become comfortable with the actual technical part of it.

But looking at Owen now, hovering over him, his eyes filled with fondness, concern, but also pure, unadulterated want.

Most of all, Fenix wanted as well.

He reached up and cupped Owen's face, pulling him down to kiss him softly. It was different from the way they were kissing before, more like an answer to the question the younger boy asked.

"I want to keep going. I trust you, Owen. I want you."