Preparation Costs (25.5)

"Jesus Christ, what happened?" Xander called as he helped Kaedan carry Apocalypse in. The woman had woken up again and promptly begun screaming and kicking, making it difficult to hold onto her.

"I don't know, she just saw this teenage girl in the market, said she knew her mother and father, and then started freaking out when she found out that the father was killed. Here, Hyunwoo, you hold her for a while, she is really fucking strong," Kaedan managed to get out, all the while fighting to hold Apocalypse down on one of the hospital beds. 

Hyunwoo switched places with Kaedan and looked at the two older men worriedly, "Could it be another person from Sector 4 that she recognized?" He asked.

"It could be," Kaedan responded, shaking out the tenseness in his arms, "But she didn't react like this last time. It was the girl saying her father was dead that set her off, she started freaking out, something about leaving so none of it would have happened? I don't know."

"...Maybe we should get Elliot or Chaewon," Xander said, crossing his arms and looking at Kaedan, "What if they know something? I mean, even if they don't, maybe it could help them remember-"

Kaedan turned to him, a slightly guilty look on his face, "I hate to say it, babe, but…From what she said, I'm not sure if it's a good idea for them to remember. I'll…Explain more later."

Hyunwoo looked up at them both, "We need to try it. She's in pain, I can't just…I can't watch her like this," He said, a serious look on his face. Even if it was Apocalypse in pain, it didn't change the fact that it looked like Risále was the one in pain.

Xander sighed, "...He's right. We need to try something. Maybe we should sedate her—"

"Why the fuck is there such a ruckus at 9 AM—Holy fuck, is she okay?!" Nia stopped rubbing her eyes, seemingly just having woken up. She rushed over, "What the hell happened to her?!" Val, who had recovered significantly and was now up and about as if she never had a building fall on top of her, was right on her heels.

"She freaked out in the market—Okay, everyone needs to take like three steps back, it's not going to help to have everyone crowd around her," Kaedan called out, "Do you guys know where Chaewon and Elliot are? We don't want them to see this—"

"A bit too late for that," Nia pointed to the door as the aforementioned two came running in.

Chaewon was the first to speak, "Jesus Christ, what the hell happened to her?!"

Kaedan sighed before leaning over to whisper into Xander's ear, "So much for that. You know what, I guess we're going with your plan now," He spoke out loud next, "Hyunwoo, on the count of three, you're going to let her go. Elliot, Chaewon, I don't care which one of you, one of you talk to her. Try and help her calm down."

"What? Why us—" Elliot began to ask.

"Just trust me on this," Kaedan replied quickly "Hyunwoo, ready? Three…Two…One!" The long-haired man let go of Apocalypse's arms and moved back. Elliot was the one who stepped forward.

He sat on the side of the bed, "Hey, hey, Apocalypse," He tried to get her attention calmly, "Can you look at me?" The young woman seemed slightly comforted by hearing his voice but she was still breathing hard and the tears were streaming down her face, "Hey, can you breathe with me? Deep breaths, alright? Breathe in, breathe out. Breathe in, breathe out." 

It was working a bit, but Apocalypse stopped, her voice breaking, "She was—She was Carlos's daughter. Carlos is dead...The White Lotus got to him anyway I—I left so that they wouldn't but…Oh God…"

This time, it was Chaewon who responded, her eyebrows furrowed, "...Carlos…" She murmured, "Why does that name sound kind of familiar? Like…I know it but it's covered in a sort of haze."

"It's the same for me, Chae, now's not the time though," Elliot responded, not looking back at his wife, "Apocalypse, we need to calm you down before you pass out—"

It was a little bit too late for that, "What if they come for Anha?!" Apocalypse asked frantically, grabbing Elliot, "Her mother and father are gone and I…God I can't let another one of Carlos's children die, not again, if they come for her—" She was hyperventilating to an extreme point and before any of them could say anything, her eyes rolled back into her head as she fell back against the bed. Elliot reached out to steady her and moved her gently.

"...What the fuck," Chaewon said softly, "Can't let another one of Carlos's children die? What does she mean by that?"

Kaedan responded, "I don't know. But it seems like Carlos was someone she cared very much about."

"Alright, come on, guys. There's no point in waiting around here, it would probably be overwhelming to wake up to so many people. Let's give her some space," Xander called, "Besides," He looked at Val, "You should be resting right now."

"Resting? Come on, I'm going on the mission tonight, why should I rest now?" Val responded. There was a moment of silence, "Uh, guys?"

Elliot turned to face her, "We…Need to talk about that. Us older ones were talking and we decided it would be safer for you to not go."


"Listen to me, Val," Hyunwoo said, putting his hands on her shoulders, "Whether you feel it or not, your injury still was pretty severe, we have no idea what could reopen it or harm it again. On top of that, this is a secret mission. I know what you're capable of, but this time, if things go wrong, I could lose you. You know I wouldn't be able to stand that. Please, Val. Just this one time. Stay back here so I know you're safe."

Nia stepped up, "They forgot to mention, I'm staying here with you. My back injury isn't all that healed either," Hyunwoo and Elliot knew that was a lie but they appreciated it more than anything, "So we can stay back and complain about the rest of them together, how does that sound?"

"But I—"

"Val," Nia interrupted quietly, taking the older's hand, "If you go, I'm going as well. If you stay, I'm staying as well. You choose."

The brunette was quiet for a bit before sighing, "That's so unfair, you know?" She mumbled.

"I know. But I'm not about to let you run straight into danger."

"Well, I can't quite run straight anywhere since I'm sapphic—"

"Shut up before I smack you."

Hyunwoo sighed in relief, "Alright, now we've got that sorted…Let's give Apocalypse some space when she wakes up. Come on, you two. Val, you have a check-up with Auntie Li anyway," He guided the two younger girls away.

Kaedan and Xander went to leave but the latter noticed something, "Elliot? Chaewon? You guys coming?"

"You go ahead," Chaewon responded, her eyes on the bed as she bit at her nail contemplatively, "We just want to make sure she's alright, right, Elliot?"

"Yeah," The other responded, seeming slightly distracted.

The two men knew they wouldn't be able to stop them, "Alright. Just…Don't overwhelm her when she wakes up. And go easy on her. She's had it really rough," Kaedan said, and he and his husband left the room.

It wasn't too long after that when Apocalypse opened her eyes. She was surprised to find the two people she expected the least to be by the bedside, Elliot sitting on the side still and Chaewon standing next to him, "Elliot? Chaewon?"

"You're awake?" Chaewon asked and grabbed a glass of water from the side table, "Here, thought you'd want this. You cried a lot earlier, so…"

Apocalypse took it, nodding appreciatively. As she gulped it down though, she could feel both of their gazes on her, burning with questions. She put the glass to the side and sighed, "You two have questions. What are they?"

Elliot began to say, "You don't have to answer if you don't want to-" But Chaewon cut him off.

"Who is Carlos? Why does that name sound familiar to me?"

Apocalypse sighed, "...Because at one point, you both went to his wedding."

Elliot looked surprised, "What? I don't remember going to any…"

"Are you really surprised?" Chaewon asked softly, "It's not like we actually know anything when it comes to you," That was directed towards Apocalypse.

"You do know a bit," Apocalypse said a bit defensively.

"Yeah, well, that's not exactly enough, you know?" Chaewon sighed, "Because it's obvious you're holding back information and I really don't know why."

Apocalypse huffed, crossing her arms, "...If I tell you who Carlos is, will it make you feel a bit better?"

Chaewon nodded.

"Well, it certainly will not actually make you feel better, but if that's what you want," Apocalypse let out a deep breath, "Are you absolutely sure? This really isn't pleasant for people to hear."

Elliot raised an eyebrow, "I fail to see how there could be something worse than literally becoming a modern version of Julius Ceaser."

Apocalypse chuckled without humor, "Well, you'd be surprised," She murmured, "Alright, fine. Carlos was…He was a friend from when I was young—Thirteen or so. Okay, he was more than a friend. I was in love with him at that time, but we had both moved on by the time we were adults—Point is, we were close and I just freaked out when I saw his kid because if she was there alone…As I said, I separated myself from him because I knew the White Lotus would use him against me. I suppose it…Didn't really work. That's all it is."

Both Chaewon and Elliot looked at each other before looking back at her, "I'm pretty sure you just gave us a censored version of the whole story," Chaewon said, raising her eyebrow, "Are you doing it for your own sake or for ours?"


"Well, if it's for our sake, then you might as well forget that notion," Elliot smiled, crossing his arms, "We might have been through what you've been through, but we're not strangers to some really dark shit."

Apocalypse sighed, "That's not what I'm worried about," She muttered, "Fine, you want to know the whole story?"

The two looked at each other, then nodded.