Wings of Celebration (26.3)

"Oh no," All of them could hear Jaeyun's voice over the in-ear, "Elliot, you're not going to like this very much. The…Uh…The kids are here."

"What?!" Elliot almost yelled, but Kaedan quickly covered his mouth, giving him a look, "What do you mean the kids are here?!" He asked a bit quieter.

Zera was the one to respond this time, "He means exactly what he said. We just got the news from the base. We don't know if they met up or something, but Nia left first, and Val followed after."

Kaedan looked over at the older man, whose expression was one of frustration, "I told them—They promised they wouldn't come along! Nia especially! I thought she'd understand why—" Elliot began to say but was cut off by his wife.

"If Nia left earlier, then she probably meant to come alone. Forget that for now, do we know where they are?" Chaewon asked.

"No, no one has eyes on them yet," Jaeyun responded, "Everyone needs to be on high alert, they're probably wandering around here somewhere. If we find one of them, we'll probably find the other as well."

Chaewon put her hand on Elliot's shoulder, "We still have a mission we need to accomplish. How about this, Risále, Jaeyun, Zera, Roshan, and I will look for those two. Elliot, Kaedan, Xander, Hyunwoo, you guys keep trying to figure out where the Wings are and what Julian and Kaedan's dad's plans are." 

"Sounds good," Risále responded, "Chaewon, Elliot, Kaedan where are you guys? Let's meet up somewhere."

"We're by table eighteen, where are you guys?" Kaedan asked. It wasn't even two minutes later that he felt a tap on his shoulder. Turning around, he saw Hyunwoo and Risále standing behind him, "Oh, that was quick.

Risále shrugged and pointed to a table barely ten feet away, "I'm just blind, Hyunwoo saw you guys while I was asking."

"Aren't you supposed to have like…Superhuman vision?" Kaedan asked, and the younger girl nudged him with her shoulder.

"Aren't you supposed to have perfect navigation skills?" She glared at him, "Yeah, that's what I thought. Besides, it only enhanced my brain, not my eyes."

Kaedan rolled his eyes, elbowing her, "Touché. Alright, you and Chaewon start looking for Val and Nia, see if you can meet up with Jaeyun, Roshan, and Zera too. I'm gonna go find Xander, Elliot, and Hyunwoo, I guess you two just keep doing what we were doing before?"

Elliot seemed a bit hesitant, but Chaewon leaned up to kiss him on the cheek, "We'll find them, you don't need to worry."

"Are you sure you guys don't need help?" Hyunwoo asked, and the concern in his voice was obvious, "We can find them faster if all of us are looking for them," It was quite obvious what he really meant by those words though.

"Val and Nia will be alright. They're strong and they're not idiots. If they were in immediate trouble, I'm sure we'd know immediately," Chaewon said, putting a hand on his shoulder, "They're going to be okay, Hyunwoo."

Risále rubbed the back of his hand, "You're good at getting information out of people, Hyunwoo. You just do your thing, and we'll handle the rest, okay?" 

Hyunwoo didn't seem completely convinced but with both women comforting him, he seemed to feel a little better, "Alright," He sighed, "I'm going to see if I can talk to any of the guards and get anything out of them."

"I've got something I want to check out," Kaedan's eyes flitted over to a certain door he had noticed earlier, with a few guards standing in front of it.

"I'm gonna go look for Xander and fill him in, then," Elliot said to the two men as they watched Risále and Chaewon leave, "Sound good?"

Kaedan nodded, "Yeah, check where he's gotten off to, I lost track of him as well. If he's focusing on gathering information, he might not have even noticed what we were talking about," Elliot gave him a thumbs up before heading off. Kaedan turned to Hyunwoo, "Stay in my line of sight so I can help you if anything goes wrong."

Hyunwoo smiled, raising an eyebrow, "I appreciate the sentiment, Kaedan, but I can handle myself," He said, a little bit amused, "Any reason in particular for saying that to me specifically?"

Kaedan looked away, scanning the room and crossing his arms, "Well, it's…I mean, it's—Isn't it kind of obvious?" He didn't know why he was slightly embarrassed to say it out loud, "You've attracted the most attention since we got here."

"I have?" Hyunwoo looked surprised.

"Hyunoo, you cannot be telling me that you haven't noticed literally everyone has been unable to look away from you. Plus, you're naturally gorgeous, that outfit just accentuates what you've already got going on," Kaedan said, deadpan.

At this, though, Hyunwoo let out a little mischievous smile, "Well, I was aware that I did get some attention, but I'm extremely flattered you think I'm naturally gorgeous. I just wanted to hear you say I looked good but this is more than I could have asked for."

"...I'm starting to wonder if everything Risále, Leon, and Bella have said about you is true."

"What exactly have they said?"

"That you may act like a gentleman but you're literally one of the most naturally flirty people ever and you use it to your advantage."

Hyunwoo nudged him with his shoulder, "I'll leave you to come to a conclusion about that for yourself. I've got my eyes on someone," He was looking directly at a younger guard standing by the stairs, who seemed to be looking at him as well, looking almost starstruck.

Kaedan clicked his tongue before putting his back, "Be nice. He looks like his brain might fry if you even ask him what his name is."

"No promises," Hyunwoo grinned before moving towards the guard.

The older man watched as the guard seem to panic a bit when Hyunwoo stopped in front of him. As Hyunwoo talked to him, stepping closer with a sly smile on his face, Kaedan watched the guard's face turn bright red as he stuttered, "Guess I don't really need to worry about him. If anything, that guard probably needs someone to save him from heart failure."

He turned around and his eyes focused on the large door he'd seen before. He'd been curious about it, with six guards verifying each group of people that went in. Even that was strange to him, he never saw a group of less than four allowed inside.

Making his way over, he grabbed a glass of wine from the drinks table, taking a small sip as he subtly stood by one of the guards, "So, what exactly is going on in there?" He asked.

The guard turned to look him up and down, "...Certain adult activities. I'm not quite sure I can tell you what it is."

Kaedan raised an eyebrow, "Why not? Are you too shy? Or do you think I'm too young to know?"

"...I'd rather not assume your age."

"Come on, now. Be realistic, how old do you think I am? I'll give you a hint, I'm no stranger to drinking wine," He swirled the drink in his glass a little.

The guard sighed, "I'd…Rather not say. If you're so curious, go see for yourself."

"Hm, I'll take it you're shy then. In that case, how about you let me in right now?" Kaedan asked.

"I—I was joking but I actually might let you in if you keep asking me questions about this," The guard muttered, a blush on her face, "But you need to have at least four people to go in."

Kaedan got a look on his face, "Why do you need four people for something like—Oh. Oh, no wonder you want me to stop asking questions about this. I'm assuming it's something like an orgy back there?"

The guard choked, "That's—I mean—"

"I'm taking that as a yes, then," He looked out to see Elliot and Xander making their way over to them, "Four people, you said, right?"


As he walked over to his husband and their best friend, he spoke quietly, "We need four people to go in. From what I've gathered, it's some sort of orgy situation so the people going in have to look like they're...Involved with each other. With Elliot being both of our exes, it shouldn't be too hard to pretend. Can we get Chaewon to act as the fourth? It wouldn't exactly be the first time we've had to pull something like this off."

"Chaewon and Risále just went up the stairs, she can't come help," Elliot muttered, "Jaeyun, Roshan, and Zera stepped out to make sure backup plans are ready. Who else is there…"

"So, I couldn't help but notice all three of you were standing here and I was wondering if I missed something over the in-ear device?" They heard a familiar voice and turned to see Hyunwoo looking at them, eyebrow raised and a hand on his hip.

Kaedan, Elliot, and Xander looked at each other, then back at Hyunwoo.

"Xander and you just be your usual married selves," Elliot said to Kaedan, "I'll act like I'm with him," He tilted his head towards Hyunwoo.

"You're almost a decade older than him—You know what, his looks are ambiguous, he looks anywhere between twenty and twenty-five. I don't think they'll question it," Xander muttered.

The ex-prince scoffed, "Do you really think my dad or Julian really would care about that? Like you forget that Julian thought I might genuinely like him when he was twelve and I was like…Twenty. And don't get me started on the number of lovers both of my parents took. That's the last thing we need to be concerned about."

"Okay, I'm really starting to think I missed something," Hyunwoo looked at the three men.

"Just follow our lead," Kaedan said, before hooking his arm through Xander's, tugging him forward toward the door. As he came face-to-face with the guard again, he smiled, "You said four people, didn't you? I've got four."