Wings of Celebration (26.4)

The guard gave him a bewildered look, "I—Uh…Who exactly are they?" She asked, almost at a loss for words.

"Oh, this is my husband," He pointed to Xander, "And that's our boyfriend," He pointed at Elliot, "And that one's also our boyfriend," He gestured towards Hyunwoo.

"How do I know for sure that you didn't just grab three random men and come over here for the sake of getting inside?" The guard asked.

"Do you need proof that we're together? Because I certainly don't mind showing," Kaedan said, squeezing Xander's waist with his hand as he pulled him closer, their lips only a few inches apart.

Xander whispered, "As much as I like seeing you being possessive, it might not be a problem for you but it will be a problem for those two," He tilted his head towards Elliot and Hyunwoo.

There was no hesitation as Hyunwoo pressed himself against Elliot's arm and moved the older's hand so it was resting around his waist, "Well, let's not lie to the nice lady, hm?" Hyunwoo said, smiling sweetly as he looked back at the guard, "I just wanted to have some fun with these three handsome men, can you blame me?" Elliot looked surprised for a moment but recovered quickly, pulling Hyunwoo closer to him as the younger giggled.

"Well, aren't you a flatterer?" Elliot raised an eyebrow, it wasn't obvious but those who knew him were able to tell he was trying not to laugh.

Hyunwoo just smiled, "I've heard people like it when I praise them," All three of them the others had to stop themselves from visibly choking at his words.

"Oh, he's good. No wonder Bella and Chaewon made him head of undercover missions, he could probably sweet-talk his way out of anything," Xander muttered.

"...Guess we don't have to worry about him. Plus, we both know how good Elliot can be at this kind of thing," Kaedan whispered back to his husband.

Hyunwoo met Kaedan's eyes and stepped over to him, his heels clicking against the floor. He quickly shot a glance over to Xander, mouthing, "Is this okay?" The older man nodded subtly and Hyunwoo stepped closer, placing his hands on Kaedan's shoulders as he leaned towards his ear, "Tuck your hand under the back of my shirt so she can see where your hand is."

"Are you sure?" Kaedan whispered back.

"I'm fine, it's just you guys. Do it."

Kaedan slipped his hand under Hyunwoo's shirt, trailing his fingers up and keeping eye contact with the guard. Xander reached over and took Hyunwoo's hand, kissing the back of it before looking at the guard, "Need any more proof?" He raised his eyebrow.

"Never mind, just—Just go inside," The guard muttered, shaking her head and opening the door for them, "I'm not paid enough for this shit."

As they stepped inside, the door closing behind them, Kaedan muttered, "Hyunwoo, why the hell are you such a natural with that? Have you always been this way?"

"We should ask Leon if anything, he's known him the longest," Xander replied, looking around the dark hallway.

"No need to ask him, I'll tell you myself," Hyunwoo responded smoothly, but there was a slight urgency in his voice.

Kaedan snorted, "What, are you scared of what he might say if we ask him?"

Hyunwoo laughed, but fell silent, "I'm more worried you might actually start believing whatever those three say about me."

"You're telling me everything Bella, Leon, and Risále have been saying about you is true? Even about you being an absolute beast in be—"

Hyunwoo gripped his shoulder tightly before smiling pleasantly, eyes crinkling but his entire aura not matching his expression, "Xander, is this really the place to ask that? I'm sure we have something to be focusing on."

Kaedan shook his head, looking interested, "No, no, keep going, babe. What exactly have you heard from those three, now I'm curious as well."

"Listen, as interested as I am, this, unfortunately, would reveal a lot of information about Leon and Bella's sex lives and I've known both of them since they were kids so I'll pass on that knowledge," Elliot rolled his eyes.

"You say that like you don't already know too much about Bella's sex life. Remember that time about two years ago in the office when we walked in on her—"

Elliot glared at him, "I spent two years erasing that memory from my mind, do not remind me again. Where did the innocent little girl I knew go?"

"She hasn't been an innocent little girl for a very long time—"

"Hyunwoo, I'm begging you, shut up."

Kaedan and Xander seemed to be trying their best not to laugh, "It's good to know that at least someone has been keeping him on his toes since Kaedan and I weren't around," Xander said.

Elliot shot him a look, "Neither of you even felt guilty, I walked in on both of you so many times and I'd dated both of you in the past."

"We didn't exactly have anything to feel guilty for," Kaedan shrugged, "It wasn't like you still had any feelings for either of us."

"Honestly, at some point, we were starting to wonder if you wanted to join us with how often you walked in on us and we were trying to figure out how to break the news that neither of us was good with polyamory," Xander responded.

Elliot stared at them, "Are you two idiots? That's why I broke up with each of you respectively in the first place. I slept with Xander and had a sort of half-relationship with him but we broke up when Chae and I got together again because he wasn't good with polyamory, and I was dating Kaedan and Chae at the same time for a while but that didn't work out either."

Kaedan and Xander stared at each other, "He's right," Kaedan said.

"...You two certainly are a match made in heaven," Hyunwoo tried holding back his laughter, "And you have nothing to worry about, Bella gave both him and Chaewon plenty of moments that they wish they could bleach from their mind."

"You've done plenty of that as well, don't give Bella all the credit," Elliot muttered, "Seriously, I think Chaewon should have been a bit meaner about you dating her baby brother."

Hyunwoo grinned, "All part of my plan. Why do you think I didn't mention that I dated Leon until I knew for sure that she liked me? You know how protective Chaewon can get, especially about Leon."

"You really are a master at sweet-talking, aren't you? You're a little mastermind, no matter what anyone else says," Elliot pinched his cheek.

"You seriously act like a dad sometimes, you know that?" Xander said, looking at Elliot.

Kaedan smacked his shoulder lightly, "Oh, come on, don't act like you didn't also think it was kind of cute when you were with him."

Elliot looked up towards the ceiling, "If I had known I was just going to get bullied I would have just forced Chaewon to come with us, at least she'd be getting bullied."

"Why would she be getting bullied?" Hyunwoo asked.

"Oh, the oldest always gets bullied. Unless the oldest is Lumina. If someone bullies A'Li, they're going to an early death," Xander said, "Leon and Fenix definitely learned that the hard way."

Hyunwoo hummed, "I see. I'm surprised none of them have tried to bully me in that case, since I'm the oldest out of Risá, Leon, and Bella."

Kaedan snorted, "I'm pretty sure they'd have a whole different thing to worry about when it comes to bullying you if we're going by some of the things Leon has said."

"Which, actually, getting back to what we started with, who the hell did you learn to act that seductive from?" Elliot asked, looking at him, shocked.

Hyunwoo stared at him as they reached the door, "...Do I have to remind you about the fact that you were the one training me took be head of the undercover mission team?"


They opened the door and stepped in and instantly, none of them knew what to say. As they took in the large hall in front of them, Xander murmured, "Well, Kaedan wasn't entirely wrong. There is an orgy back here just…More than one."

"Honestly, this is actually a bit tamer than I expected," Kaedan responded quietly.

"I'm sorry? Babe, were you expecting people to literally be fucking out in the open ro something?" Xander asked.

Kaedan shrugged, "For a party like this? Hosted by Julian? I wouldn't be surprised."

"It's not that far off anyway, they're practically having sex with clothes on," Hyunwoo murmured, rolling his eyes.

Just as Elliot was about to say something, he felt Hyunwoo tense slightly next to him and immediately turned to see that a man had grabbed his hand and was sliding his fingers up his arm, "Pretty thing, aren't you? Won't you come join me?" The man asked.

Hyunwoo looked back at the other three, silently asking for help with his eyes. All three of them didn't hesitate to jump into action, Elliot quickly tugging Hyunwoo back with him and Xander stepping in front of them both as Kaedan glared at the man, "Back off, he's ours."

The stranger sighed, "Fine, fine, I see. If you ever change your minds and feel like sharing, though, I've got nowhere else to be tonight," He gave Hyunwoo a meaningful look.

"Thanks for the offer," Elliot's tone made it very obvious that they were not, in fact, thankful for the offer, "But we'll pass. Come on," He pulled Hyunwoo away quickly, still feeling the younger was slightly tense, "Hey, are you okay?" He asked quietly, leaning in towards him.

"I'm—I'm fine," Hynwoo breathed out, "Sorry, I'm usually fine as long as they don't take me by surprise, I wasn't expecting him to just grab me."

Kaedan looked over his shoulder, glaring at the man, "Want me to kill him later?" He asked.

"What? No, don't kill him, I mean—I should have expected something like this to happen when walking into a place like this," Hyunwoo said, putting a hand on Kaedan's shoulder and steering him away.

"Trust me, Hyunwoo," Xander looked over to the other man, patting his head, "He still shouldn't have grabbed you like that. If Lumina could work as a pole-dancer and have almost no one break the 'no touching' rule, these people can do that as well, especially for people who didn't come with them."

Kaedan hummed, "Besides, are you two alright? We know this isn't exactly your cup of tea," He asked Elliot and Hyunwoo.

Elliot shrugged, "I don't really care, it's not like I really care for it. Would I prefer not to be here, yeah, but do I really care? Not really."

"Same for me," Hyunwoo replied, "Heads up, I see Julian."