School Legends 

"You are finally connected!" Huo Ling said and sighed in relief when he saw Yi Bing's face appeared. 

Yi Bing turned and his coldness of his eyes decreased. His expression even turned softer as he looked at Huo Ling. "En. I have been preoccupied." He answered. 

Gu Shi, Di San, Zi Xun and Xin Wen who were extremely frightened earlier. "…" who is this person… ehem, grim reaper?! Is this really Yi Bing, the iceberg?! They thought as their faces were covered in dark lines. 

"I went to follow a teacher of the 'Zhongming College' in Normal World 8575." Yi Bing explained. 

That made everyone turn to a start and they all looked at Yi Bing. 

"Ling San and I sneaked inside the 'Zhongming College' to check the current situation." Yi Bing continued, then frowned. "It is worse than we all expected." He said. 

"What happened?" Gu Shi immediately asked.