
The canteen is dark since the lights are off, making it look like haunted with those chairs and tables casting shadows that looked like they are moving, creating an eerie atmosphere. This atmosphere became creepier because of the recent events that are happening in the Zhongming College. 

Huo Ling and Yi Bing are about to enter the canteen when, suddenly, Huo Ling stopped. 

"What?" Yi Bing asked. 

Huo Ling turned. "I can go alone. The culprit shouldn't be here right now since he is focusing to kill Jiang Ce." He spoke. "You… you can go and find the protagonists and see if they have found something." He told Yi Bing. 

"Oh." Yi Bing nodded indifferently before he left, going towards the male students' dormitory. 

Huo Ling watched him walk away until he couldn't see Yi Bing's figure anymore. A smile appeared on his lips before he turned back and entered the school's canteen using the open window.