
The wind blew and made Yi Bing's shoulder-length hair flutter. He watched as Huo Ling passed by him and appeared before the humans. Then, he took out his weapon and shot at the Soul Eater's eyes. 

"AAAH!" the Soul Eater shrieked and had to move back as it moved its head wildly, feeling the familiar burning pain, but now in his eyes. 

"W – who…?!" the exorcist exclaimed and looked at Huo Ling's back. 

Fei Xuli, who is nursing Jing Yu's injury, also turned. 

"It is him." Gu Xingfeng heaved a deep sigh of relief when he saw the familiar young man appearing. Then, he hissed in pain when he felt his chest hurt. 

"Don't move so much!" Hao Baiyun glared at Gu Xingfeng. Though, there is relief in his eyes when he saw that there was a strong helper. 

Huo Ling didn't attack for a while and tapped on his communicator, stealthily sending a message to Yi Bing,