
"You don't plan to tell Jin Wu, as well as Mo Shi, about that half-grim reaper, do you?" Huo Ling asked as he and Yi Bing went to the third scene of the crime on their tasks list. 

Yi Bing may not have given an answer, but his silence is already considered an answer. Silence means 'yes', as they said. 

"I, too, don't have any plan to tell anyone about that young half-grim reaper." Huo Ling spoke. "We may not know how the life of that young halfling went, but it should probably more bad than good, recalling his gloomy expression, as well as his gloomy appearance overall." He said when he recalled Jing Yu's dark clothes, as well as his dull gaze. 

There was not a spark on Jing Yu's eyes, even when fighting against a formidable opponent for him, the Soul Eater. Even fighting can't rouse his excitement, or even anger or frustration. 

"Indeed." Yi Bing nodded in agreement.