
Collapsed World 444. 

"Holy sh...! What the heck is this?!" Huo Ling asked when he and Yi Bing arrived and saw the different kinds of floating objects in the sky, ranging from debris, to cars, and… "… were those corpses?!" Huo Ling exclaimed when he recognized the four limbs and one head of a body wearing torn clothes stained with blood. 

This body is floating towards one direction along with the other objects. Huo Ling's mouth fell open in shock. Even though Yi Bing has already told him about the Collapsed Worlds, he still didn't expect to see this kind of state a world is in! It is really like what is after the post-apocalypse! 

Suddenly, Huo Ling felt his ankle became cold. He looked down and saw the waves that moved towards the highway. "…" well, fck. How did the sea reach the highway road?! He thought as his face was covered in black lines.