

The biggest monster in the chamber roared.

"Final boss, my ass!" I shouted, charging in, alone as usual. Well technically I wasn't alone because of my summons. But hey! at least I'm a solo player.

Player? What player? Is this some sort of game? Of course it's a game, what else did you think I was talking about? Monsters, summons, magic all these things are imaginary and can't exist in real world. The game I'm playing is called 'The King's Grave', world's most popular MMORPG game and I'm Zeroll, the only Asian player in world's top five ranking.


Yeah, yeah, I haven't forgotten about you, little guy. In the latest patch of the game, they finally added a new type of monster, a 'Goliath'. This ten feet tall giant was supposed to have the strongest regenerative abilities in the game, and so he was a troublesome foe to deal with. Or so I'd like to say, if I didn't have the summon to counter it with.

"I summon thee, King of hell, Hades! "

The moment I finished my chant, a pool of lava suddenly appeared at Goliath's feet. And my newest and strongest summon came out of it, Hades. Hades was the final boss of the previous chamber. It was really a pain to defeat him, but I eventually did. As you might have guessed, I'm a summoner or a necromancer to be precise, since I had to kill my enemies to make them my summons. After each fight that I won, I was given a choice, whether I want to convert my foe into my summon. The only downside ability this had was that I could only have up-to five summons, if I wanted more I'll have to release one of my summons to make more space. But hey, beggars can't be choosers right?

"Hades!" I shouted, "Take him to hell."

Hades looked at me and nodded. Suddenly, an axe appeared in his hand, it was no ordinary axe either. It had the special anti-healing spell engraved on it.

Hades swung his axe and Goliath's right arm was torn to shreds.

'GYAAHHHH!' The monster howled in pain.

"Hades stand back! I'll finish this sucker." I ordered him and started chanting my spell. "By righteousness of his majesty the King, I order you to surrender your spirit and turn into ashes, come forth: Holy Flame!"

The Goliath who was still in pain from losing his arm was suddenly surrounded in flames and soon turned into ashes.


A message popped up.


You have successfully defeated the chamber boss, 'Goliath' and have gained the following rewards. Please claim the rewards within thirty days or you will lose them.






• GOLIATH'S RING (Can be used to summon: Goliath.)

• NEW SPELL: GOD'S GRACE (Strongest healing spell, heals 4000 health points per second after use, for 10 seconds)


"Sigh, finally defeated this guy, " I said equipping Goliath's ring. "Back at five rings huh? I guess it's getting late, better log out of the game now."


My phone's notification went off, a new message from Alicia.

Alicia: Where are you? The movie will start in twenty minutes!

*shoot, I forgot about the movie.*

Me: I'll be there soon babe, got stuck in the traffic you know.

Alicia: Just get here before the movie starts, okay? Bye, love you.

Me: Love you too ❤.

Alicia is, as you'd have guessed, my girlfriend. She was really beautiful, it's hard to recall what made me fall for her, maybe her green eyes, or maybe her jet black hair. She was perfect and to be honest, it's a mystery to me why did she even ask me out?

Okay, too much information, I seriously have to rush now.

*Half an hour later*

"Sorry I'm late!" I said panting.

"That would be an understatement." Nick, one of my college friends, replied.

"Where's Alicia?" I asked, looking around.

"Don't worry Romeo, your Juliet is here." Nick said playfully. "She and Sky went to get snacks."

Sky, he was head over heels for Alicia. He Still kept trying to win her over, even though she had made it clear she wasn't interested in him.

"I'll just go and check whether they are fine or not." I said and ran towards the snack centre.

I reached there, but they weren't there. I had a bad feeling about it, so I started to look around.

Just then I heard it. Someone was breathing heavily, it didn't feel right but I went to check it out either way. I slowly made my way towards the heavy breathing. She wouldn't do something like this,right? I was just being paranoid. I peeked from the corner hoping that fears won't come true. My legs froze. That bastard was kissing her. His hands down her pants, her breathing getting faster and faster. I felt like throwing up. But then I got angry, furious, why did she do this, I never wanted her. She came into my life to cheat on me?

Without a second thought, I rushed in, they saw me but it was too late, I tackled Sky to the ground and started punching him.

Alicia was shouting by now, begging me to stop, saying it wasn't his fault. She finally managed to pull me off him. My knuckles were bruised, and Sky's face was bleeding profusely. I wanted to shout at her!

But suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my heart, Like something was twisting it. I fell on my knees, I was gasping for air. I tried breathing from my mouth, nothing. Everything started going black. I couldn't see nor feel anything.

Is this it? Is this how I die?

"You want to live, don't you, " A voice echoed.

"Live? Where?" I asked.

"Somewhere you'll be appreciated. A world of your liking, A world where you'll be happy." The voice replied. "Now answer me, DO YOU WANT TO LIVE?"

"Yes... "

The darkness suddenly got wiped out and a notification appeared:


