Spell/Skill Description


• BLOODLUST : A sword skill which increases the users physical attack and defense. The user also enters an enraged state and is immune to any damage for 10 seconds. This duration can be increased up to 60 seconds by inflicting damage to enemies.

(This skill can't be upgraded.)

• SYMPHONY : A sword skill. When activated, each attack that successfully inflicts damage to the enemy adds +10 PHYSICAL DAMAGE to the next attack, up to 20 times. But if the chain of attacks is broken, the effect will reset.

(This skill can be upgraded by using it a certain number of times.)

• GOD'S GRACE : A healing spell can heal any physical damage but cannot prevent death.

(This skill can't be upgraded.)

• HASTE : When used, this spell increases the user's speed to inhumane levels. This skill's effect can also be enjoyed by the summons.

(This skill can be upgraded by using it a certain number of times.)

• TORMENT : This spell induces a sense of fear and confusion in the target, immobilizing the target.

(This skill can be upgraded by using it a certain number of times.)

• HOLY FLAME : The user controls the power of bluefire and can guide a sea flames to incinerate anything in its path. This skill is only effective on organic targets.

(This skill can be upgraded by using it a certain number of times.)

• STARFIRE BARRAGE : This spell causes various fiery bullets to emerge from the users fingertips. This spell causes a lot of pain to the target and has probability of 60% to set the target on fire.

(This skill can be upgraded by using it a certain number of times.)

• HEAVEN'S DOWNFALL : Sword skill exclusive to Vruukor's sword. Everytime the user swings Vruukor's sword, the user can summon a lightning bolt to strike at a specific location. Target struck by this lightning bolt most certainly dies.

(This skill can't be upgraded.)

• GOD'S WILL : This spell allows Zeroll to summon the monsters which come under the category of general summons. This skill is automatically upgraded when a new type of monster is added to Zeroll's arsenal.

• SWITCH : Exclusive skill of Warpfaces, which a summoner can use to immediately switch places with another warpface.

(This skill can't be upgraded.)

• NIGHTMARE BREATH : This spell summons a field of corrosive mist which melts anything that comes in contact with it. The user isn't effected by its effects. Only a few items/substances are immune to this effect.

• MINONIAN RAGE : When this skill is used, the user and the summons which are currently on the battlefield get a power boost and go in a berserk state and cannot feel pain anymore. This effect lasts for 30 seconds. This duration can be increased by leveling this skill up.

(This skill can be upgraded by using it a certain number of times.)


• WATERSPOUT : She summons a giant tornado made of water which spins so fast that whatever comes in its contact is torn to pieces.

(This skill automatically upgrades when the summon level ups by 5 levels.)

• TIDAL BORE : Arabella uses the power of Poseidon to summon a gigantic wave to push back and drown her targets.

(This skill automatically upgrades when the summon level ups by 5 levels.)

• MERMAID'S KISS : A kiss of life which also allows the one who is kissed to breath underwater.

(This skill can't be upgraded.)

• CHANT OF NEGATION : A spell that makes her target lose the will to fight however this spell has only 25% success rate as it depends upon the level of the user and the level of the target.

(This skill automatically upgrades when the summon level ups by 10 levels.)

• ILLUSION OF ICE : This spell creates up to five doppelganger of the user and each doppelganger have the same abilities as the user however if one of the doppelgangers is destroyed, the other would be destroyed as well.

(This skill can't be upgraded.)

• SOUL GRAPPLE : This spell allows the user to take control of its target and is able to do whatever the user likes, but use however cannot force the target to kill itself or someone else. This skill has a success rate of 10%.

(This skill can't be upgraded.)


• SLASH : Basic sword skill, increases the users attack by 30%.

• HELL'S GUARD : A partnered passive skill. Whenever both, HADES and BRUNO are summoned together, their physical attack increases by +120%.

(This skill can't be upgraded.)

• KING'S RAGE : Hades brings out both if his weapons and increases his physical attack by 80% while lowering his defense by 50%.

(This skill can't be upgraded.)

• FLAMING LANCES : Hades summons Devil's lances from hell and throws them continuously at his target. Once hit, the target becomes immobilised and experiences the horrors of hell.

(This skill automatically upgrades when the summon level ups by 5 levels.)

• UNISON : (Cannot be used on his own.) This skill allows Zeroll to enter Hades body and become one with him. This significantly increases Hades' physical attack +500% but a major drawback of this skill is that Zeroll wouldn't be able to control other summons apart from Hades.

(This skill can't be upgraded.)


• GIANT'S ROAR : Immobilises the targets surrounding him, rendering them useless. This skill however effects friends and foes alike.

(This skill can't be upgraded.)

• SEISMIC SHOCK : Goliath furiously starts stomping the ground and open ups a crack inside the ground which grows wider and wider until Goliath stops stomping the ground.

(This skill automatically upgrades when the summon level ups by 5 levels.)

• AVALANCHE : Goliath summons a cell and traps his targets in it, and the walls of the cell suddenly collides with the opposite walls this killing the trapped target in a moment. Upgrading this skill increases the capacity of targets the cell can hold.

(This skill automatically upgrades when the summon level ups by 10 levels.)

• ELEMENTAL SHADOW : Once this storm is used Goliath's shadow come to life and acts like Goliath's doppelganger. The abilities of the doppelganger however us restricted to 50% of Goliath's power. Also the doppelganger has a body consisting of the elements found in the surrounding.

(This skill can't be upgraded.)


• MAGMA LASH : Bruno grows a tail made of hellfire and uses it as a whip. This fire is so hot that it can cut through anything. The higher the level, the longer is the reach of this attack.

(This skill automatically upgrades when the summon level ups by 5 levels.)

• ANCESTRAL RAGE : Bruno enters in a state of rage, increasing its size. Physical attack goes up by 30% while the defense also increases by 20%.

(This skill can't be upgraded.)

• HELL'S GUARD : Same as Hades.

• SONIC BOLT : Increases the Bruno's movement speed by 25%. If he attacks someone while in this state, the amount of damage dealt increases by 100%.

(This skill can't be upgraded.)

• BEAST'S HOWL : Bruno howls making the surrounding targets confused. When Bruno or any other cerberus kin attacks the target during this time, the target becomes poisoned.

(This skill automatically upgrades when the summon level ups by 10 levels.)