More Like Him (Part One)

Ta ta ta...

Someone wearing high heels was walking as fast as she could to towards the room where her superior resided. She had a file in her right hand, pages fluttered around as she walked through corridor after corridor after, many soldiers were standing in her path, saluting her as she crossed them. She didn't even acknowledged this fact and kept walking.

"Sir! I've found it!" Alisha said loudly as she opened the door to John O'Connors' office, "I've found out the identity of the mysterious person who attacked our forces."

"Who is he?" John replied immediately straightening up.

"Zeroll Lancaster, a chosen who was resurrected 5 years ago. He had exceptional abilities even President Niall favored him a lot after he saved his daughter some years ago. He was an excellent soldier. Everyone in his division spoke highly of him." Alisha breathlessly replied.

"Yes, now I remember, Niall indeed held him in high regard. He even called him to join Livanian forces once he heard about his powers and achievements. He even told me about him last time he called before his death. He mentioned something terrible happened to him."

"Yes sir, he was apparently framed to commit a sexual assault on one of the section chiefs, It was... let me see..." She said and started pressing keys on her laptop, "It was Kayla Lee, President Niall got extremely upset about this and launched an investigation in the matter, after which he was soon found dead under mysterious circumstances.

Sometime later, there was supposed to be a peace treaty among humans and some other species. But it was sabotaged by Zeroll and he killed many official members there and now ruled over Livania. It could be possible that he wants to take revenge on us."

"He isn't that shallow. I have a feeling its something else. Either way thanks for the hard work." John replied putting his poker face on, "What's the progress of the towers?"

"Workers are working in three shifts, the construction is on schedule." Alisha reported back.

"Good I wouldn't want to piss 'him' off." John replied thinking about the person who gave them the technology to control monsters, "Keep me updated about this Zeroll guy and the construction as well."

"Yes sir." Alisha saluted him and left his office.

"Zeroll... what exactly do you want?"


Meanwhile in castle of Vyham...

Zeroll and few other vampires were standing at the gates of the castle. The elite class of vampires were using the mecha suits they took from the humans after they were defeated, they had repaired the suits and even managed to upgrade then using their own technology. Using mechas had more benefits as well, such as by wearing the mechas, the vampires were immune to the effects of sun even if the sun wasn't able to burn them down, the sun rays still harmed them and reduced their stats by quite a bit. And so by wearing mecha suits not only were they able to remove the debuff effects, but also enhanced their physical abilities.

"Let's go." Nissa says walking out of the gates.

"Wait, you're coming as well?" Zeroll asked and turned around only to see her wearing a black specially revealing skin tight jumpsuit like dress, which really suited her. Zeroll looked around even the vampires were ogling at her beauty. She seemed to know this and snapped her finger, taking everyone to focus on their work.

"Of course I am. We formed a blood pact so our fates sealed" She said placing her arms in her waist, in her know it all voice.

"Um... okay, just get yourself a mecha suit so that you can keep up." Zeroll said summoning Laksah out as he was planning to fly ahead of them.

"I was hoping we could ride together." she said and jumped in front of Zeroll, caressing Laksah's head, who in returned started licking her face. "See? Even your dragon likes me!"

Zeroll bit his lips. He hadn't forgotten what happened last time they rode together in Bruno.

"Well I guess its fine." Zeroll said climbing onto Laksah and pulling Nissa up as well. After everyone was ready Zeroll flew up, leaving Hades and Bruno behind with the other vampires so that they could guide them to Lugan (Livania).




"Alright, full speed ahead!" Zeroll exclaimed.

Laksah roared and went sonic.



"What had he been up to?" a feminine voice asked one of the ogre chieftains of Zeroll's army.

"He is currently away on a journey." The ogre says kneeling down to the being.

"Good, the sooner he grows strong the better it will be for us. What about the others?"

"Lord Stanley, has cleared his second dungeon, he is on level R45 and is currently working with Lady Haylee and her party."

"He's progressing faster than I thought... tell Nicholas to take care about it."

"It will be done."

"Good you're dismissed." She said waving he hand and the ogre immediately disappeared.

"Was it a good idea to make more of them?" The mysterious person thought out loud.

"It was... for the sake of the planet." Xephirous replied.