More Like Him (Part Two)

"This is your territory?" Nissa raised her eyebrows. She was a little surprised. She had not expected there to be so many monsters there, and it seemed like Zeroll was very influential to the monsters and humans, soon she understood exactly why, It was because he always treated both humans and monsters equally and in return they all respected him. She saw many monsters as well as humans bowing to Zeroll as soon as they saw him, she Zeroll nodded add to acknowledge them. It wasn't something that Zeroll taught them or asked them to do, they did it because of their own free will. "Such power... " Nissa thought and looked at Zeroll with admiration on her face.

"Is something on my face?" Zeroll asked and started touching his face.

"No. I'm just amazed that you have all this! It took me 168 years to finally get a castle but you already have a kingdom!"

"I'm 2021 years old so I think you're better off than me." He smirked and entered a big building which was once a guest house for very important guests, Nissa and her people would be living here from now on.

After seeing through their living arrangements and giving the rest of the tasks to Lawrence, Zeroll headed toward another building. This was the special residence that he had given to his elite summons. No other summons received such treatment. When Zeroll got back from the dungeon, the number of elite summons he had also increased by more two times and hence he had ordered the ogres and other monsters to renovate the place so that it could be occupied with all of his elite summons. Even his own summons helped a lot in the construction. Zeroll looked at the building, the construction of the five storey building was almost complete. Each floor could accommodate two of his summons. But since he only had 8 (excluding the ring which was once used to summon Xorzorud's soul. ) such summons he decided to let Weonan (Minotaur god deity) and Goliath have separate floors all to themselves because they were the biggest summons he had. The rest would have to share their floors for now. He summoned them out and told them about the arrangements, Weonan, the most fearsome summon Zeroll had was immediately touched by this gesture and kneeled before Zeroll thanking him again and again seeing this everyone else followed the suit and finally looked up after what seemed like an eternity. But it wasn't all, leaving Iobra among the general populous was extremely dangerous as he could accidentally kill them if someone looked him in the eye, but Zeroll had already figure it out, he had forged couple of lenses from some nightscreamer's scales as it was highly effective against the death stare, these were no ordinary scales either, they were the scales that belonged to the first floor boss and hence were super strong but were a see through material, meaning even though people couldn't see Iobra's eyes, Iobra would still be able to see without having much effect in his vision. Zeroll had even ordered an underground floor to be made for Iobra as Basilisks liked dark and damp places to live in. All in all his summons were beyond happy.

There were some other issues that Zeroll had resolved one of them was to the guard duty, the issue was however easily solved by the use exo-suits, mechas, turrets, and other technological means, Since groups consisting of both humans and monsters were made and each one had at least once warpface hiding among them such that there would be a channel if there ever was a need for instant transmission of information or reinforcements (yeah just like the one a particular protagonist had in a particular series called dragon sack z, lol. Don't hate me please).

Another problem was a regular source of money. Solving this problem required a bit of brainstorming before Leroy suggested turning the main city into a mining town as there were many caves filled with precious gems and other resources nearby Livania, and coincidentally goblins were an expert when it came to these things and thus there were regular expeditions to find such caves and mine the resources. Even if other cities in human empire couldn't openly support the newly found Kingdom of Lugan, they would never say no to the high quality crystals and gems, the profit earned from these were high and one could say it was the main source of income for the kingdom, but it wasn't the only source of income, the Kingdom even sold various machinery and monster body parts to other cities, this also fetched quite a sum as humans were regularly researching and experimenting to revert the mutations that was caused by the Phoenix stone.

Zeroll and the Kingdom were gaining some powerful allies like vampires as well which further contributed to the defense and the income of the kingdom, things were looking good for him after a long time.


Smell of death shrouded over an underground cave. There was a periodic sound of the resembled the sound of clashing swords. Two people were practicing hard.

"Zeroll this and Zeroll that why the hell is the priestess always talking about him!" Stanley shouted in fury killing a golem.

"He is special for her just suck it up and fight asshole." Haylee replied as she fought another group of golems with her insect army.

"I'm stronger than him even she admitted it by still she wouldn't praise me like she praises that low levelled bastard."

"You don't like someone just because he or she is strong idiot! You don't know anything about women do you?" She replied.

"I'll just get rid of him as soon as I see him!" Stanley shouted again.

"Do you even know what he looks like?"


"What his powers are?"


"Good luck finding him then." She laughed as they tore through the enemy formations like a hot knife through butter.