More Like Him (Part Three)

Zeroll was busy doing his daily strolls around the city. It was already nighttime but a few people were still roaming around the illuminated roads. Zeroll looked up, gazing into the night sky, even though the sky was artificially made it still looked real but the constellations were different even after he tried again and again, he couldn't recognise even one of them but he felt attracted to a specific cluster of stars.

"Made up of thirteen stars, the constellation called Emydidae. It roughly resembles the shape of a mockingbird. It can be seen most prominently just above the Southeastern horizon just after the spring equinox. In an ancient society, this constellation was seen as the representation of the god of trade, which is how it received the name still used today. In astrology, this constellation bears the sign of the throne, those born under it are believed to become rich." Nissa said appearing beside him using a warpface to teleport to his location. "They're supposed to be a good match with those born under the constellations resembling a anvil, whale and boulder. But they don't match well with those born under the leaf, wing and pistol constellations."

"You're quite informative about these things?" Zeroll was impressed.

"When you don't have anything to do, you pick weird hobbies and stargazing is better than those." She smiled at looked at the sky.

A mysterious cold atmosphere spread across the city, and a group of black shadows flew out of the barren desert. They were covered in black fog and flew across the field a few meters above the ground. They easily avoided triggering the minefields that were placed at t proximity of the city. The sirens started wailing as troops rushed towards the walls to protect the city. They started shooting turrets and other artillery at the unknown enemy, but they successfully dodged the majority of the ranged attacks with their agile movements.

Zeroll and the others soon appeared at the scene.

"Banshees." Leroy murmured. "This is bad, our weaponry wouldn't work on them!"

"Leave it to us." The vampires replied and went through the gates to engage the banshees.

But the banshees weren't the only ones who had launched an attack on the city. Nearly every type of monster that Zeroll had encountered in the dungeon, were attacking the city right now.

"How many are there?" Zeroll was calm as a lake.

• Heat signature of 218 Banshees found •

• Heat signature of 350 Orcs found •

• Heat signature of 128 Minotaurs found •

•Heat signature of 350 nightscreamers found•

•Heat signature of 104 Golems found•

•Heat signature of 95 Giants found•

•Heat signature of 40 Goblin priestess found•

•Heat signature of 50 Ghouls found•

• Total headcount of enemy forces: 1335•

"That's pretty small... tsk, at least I'll get some EXP for killing these idiots." Zeroll murmured, "Where's Ashira?"

"He went to the west ogre village, they had some issues there, and don't worry she used the portal this time." Kayla replied.

"She's been going out an awful lot of times. I'll have to ask her about it when she returns." He thought. "Let's get rid of these monsters first."

Just as Leroy and the rest were about to mount mechas and artillery guns, Zeroll pulled them out.

"Don't waste the resources while I'm here. You guys take care of the little ones, I'll handle the rest." Zeroll said and jumped over the walls, into the chaos.

The other soldiers were perplexed, they knew their lord was strong but this was too much, even he couldn't possibly face such a pack of monsters by himself. These soldiers thought so because they didn't know about Zeroll's dungeon adventure, and wanted to help their lord in the battle however both Leroy and Kayla ordered them to stand their ground and 'enjoy the show', so they didn't have much choice.


"Let's do this."

Zeroll's eyes were glowing in the dark, ever since coming out of the dungeon Zeroll had a weird bloodlust to kill monsters and after seeing so many if them at his doorstep he couldn't control it anymore, but he didn't want to overwhelm his enemy by using his summons because if his summons killed a monster the amount of EXP he'll receive would be reduced and he couldn't have that now could he? Thus Zeroll changed his battle style and used the trick Weonan used everytime he had to fight a horde of the enemy.



Skill cooldown : 1 day.


Zeroll even wanted to use this skill because it was already dark outside, and most of his enemies wouldn't be able to notice the dark circle of doom lingering below their feet.

The monsters kept charging at the human, but to their surprise the human wasn't running away! He dared taunt them! The giant, leading the horde of monsters roared and rushed towards the human wanting to unleash their fury on the human for mocking them but alas! they couldn't move! Something was pulling them down. They struggled to free themselves but couldn't and we're pulled inside the Black circle.

"Thanks for the meal."






Physical attack +10%

Physical defense +4%


Skin of steel :

Physical resistance + 30%

Physical armor +10%

Abnormalities Resistance +8%


Zeroll felt a surge of energy inside him, as a dark aura surrounded him as if a lighting dragon was crawling in his body. His body was glowing so bright that it hurt giant's eyes.

The giant was furious, and he swung his hammer around, killing a couple of his own allies. "You dare mock me!" He shouted.

To him humans like Zeroll were like a group of annoying wasps just humming around his ears before he smashed and killed them, The Giant wanted to break through the walls and kill all the humans inside but he could not seem to get his hands on them. He had also tried to just rush through; however, he was blocked by the human standing before him despite being busy from handling the other monsters.

"Not on my watch fatso." Zeroll smirked, "The party is only getting started."


"Come on! How long will it take you to disable the security systems!?" Hayden was getting impatient now, he had disobeyed the priestess and went to see who this Zeroll guy was.

"These things take time so stop breathing on my neck and get back! If she finds out what you're doing she'll be really pissed." Haylee replied, she just wanted to help her brother but somehow his requests kept getting weirder and weirder. He even got her to use her insects to get hold of some monsters and control them to attack the city. And not just any city... the city the priestess herself told them to stay away from.

"You think I care? I need to see what's so better about this Zeroll that the priestess doesn't live with us anymore!"

"Oh you big baby..." She mocked him as she opened the back door leading into Livania. "We're inside."