Chapter 33: The Perks Of Being An Undead (1)


This chapter may focus only to the male lead; Prince Zeln. I do hope that you will not get confuse, I just want you (referring to my loyal readers, if there's one, really) to know what's going on with him as a zombie.

Anyway, I hope you will like it and this sneak notice will not be counted to the actual word count.

Maraming Salamat!

~ Third Person's Point of View ~

Humans were tired; exhausted and knackered fighting against the undead the whole day.

Even the princess of Alicesha was fallen into a deep, peaceful slumber as she can't believe that she hurt someone's feeling.

However, Alice cannot guarantee the safety and security of her people as she also has no power and has no the privilege to do it as of now.

On the other side, Kingdom of Alicesha; under the ruling of Caliek became too slugish; and tedious. Everyone experienced how greedy and have no mercy Caliek is.

Caliek ordered to fire zombies who are striving to overrun and to occupied the whole palace as they invaded the small structures found at the outside of the kingdom.

Even survivors were affected by his oders and not–so–good predominating way of leadership.

Yet, Caliek cannot be so certain of what will happen next. Even though he fire all of the zombies, still, no one can predict the future.

No one will be.

On the other hand, the Prince of Atlantis was infected and became one of the hungry zombies.

He became a totally eating–flesh monster.

After the bloody and wild fight between Princess Danaya and the undead, Zeln escaped from the battlefield.

He can't even understand why he suddenly thought of eluding where in fact the virus already took his sanity; his body and his soul.

Zeln heard a loud and ridiculous sounds as he tried to walk away from Zachary; from Shaotzie; and from his half–monster sister; Princess Danaya.

"Grrgghh!" He exclaimed.

Zombies who are sauntering and wandering around didn't try to hurt the Prince as they smells the same fragrance like them.

They were more than thirty walking dead, looking and anticipating for a new, fresh and meaty victim. Zeln, didn't joined them and so he took the opposite route into the wild and, dilapidated forest.

The Prince began to panic upon hearing the irritating and annoying sounds of frogs; hungry crows and vultures.

He then covered his ears with his bloody hands and moaned loudly, "Waaah! Grrgghh!" Zeln became too aggressive and dominant as the virus tried to take over his body and mind.

However, there's something within him that keep on fighting and stopping the virus of doing so. He opened his mouth uncontrollably and his hands were shaking and as his knees.

Zeln walked like a mess and a missing zombie into the midst of dull night. He felt an unbearable pain near his chest and in his head.

" is ... happ... enning... to... – me?!"

Words came out from his mouth despite of his condition; despite of the wretch effect of the bane virus. He can't even understand why and how he did such matter.

"Waaah! Wahh! Waaah!"

Out of nowhere, a cry of an infant echoed around the dark, murky forest. Zeln, turned his back, trying and striving to find where the sobs coming from.

"Wah! Waaah! Waaaaah!"

For the second time, the baby moaned loudly as if it was needing a mother's warm and delightful touch and embrace. Or, it was hungry and looking for a mother's milk; and or, the baby is all alone and was afraid and scared.

Zeln roared horribly, "Grrrgghh!"

He then listened carefully to the baby's sobs until his feet brought him into a solacing; and mind blowing sanctuary.

The baby was in the baschoue and were wrapped by a single; thin piece of clothing.

It was naked; and feeling cold as the cold breeze blows up.

Zeln, stared at the poor, lonesome infant for so long. Perhaps, it was forsaken by her parents and was bitten by the zombies.

The Prince remained standing, doubting; wavering if he would bite the baby and or he will eat the baby wholly.

The newborn baby stared at the prince with no trace of fear and alarum. "Fa–fa... Fa–fa... Fa–"

Prince Zeln step backward due to the baby's unexpected reaction. Instead of crying so loud and sobbing for a help, the baby smiled genuinely and innocently.

"Fa– fath... fathe–"

May be the, baby was trying to utter the word 'father'. Zeln looked and observed intently at the giggling baby; he then schematize that it was an adorable and healthy baby boy.

The prince saw a little folded fabric at the upper part of his head. He moved his head back and forth, and grinned like he got a victory.

Without of his sanity, he slowly reach the fabric and hang it disgusted into the air.

There is a small hand craft written in it that says, "You shall be forsaken by the world but a vivid light from above shall take you into a man with a serious; bane sickness. The first person who will found you shall be blessed and you shall be named, Troy; the enchanter."

Yet, the prince couldn't understand what was written on the fabric. Zeln throw it away and flee to baby's foot.


The prince get him from the ground and carried away through the dark. Still, the baby was playing with his finger and sucking it relentlessly.

Unexpectedly, some of the zombies walks into the forest; haunting for a human. Two zombies were wandering around nearby of the prince's location.

Until, Troy cried out again that caught the attention of the undead. "Waaah! Waaah!"

Tears flows down into the baby's eyes because of hunger. Zeln stared it at and doesn't know what to do with the baby boy.

Troy were sucking his fingers and was hoping for his mother's milk, however, zombies found them at the middle of tall trees and under from the lonesome sky.

Zombies growled ridiculously and awfully upon seeing another zombie carrying with a fresh and delicious baby. They walked as fast as they can to steal and or to feasts with the prince.

Little did they know, Prince Zeln was not entirely lost his sanity. He immediately turned his back side by side and was looking for a safe and secured path for the bay and for himself.

"Grrgghh! Grrgghh!"

Zombies roared when they caught the prince. They was trying to steal the baby from his gory arms but it cried so loud, "Wahhh! Waaah! Waaah!"

At the right side, there were a small path into the dangerous and risky part of the forest while on the the Prince's left, there were a common route where people usually used for visiting the palace for a barter with the middle class.

But, if the prince will take the usual route, he will get into the Princess's hideaway without him knowing.

Zeln have no choice but to save the baby from the hungry and insane walking dead instead of eating it alone.

He then run into the safest and warmest route with a baby in his arms. Troy, began to stop from crying as they were chased by the zombies who's eager to victimize the baby.

Unfortunately, along the way, there were five survivors who saw the prince with a baby. They then thought of killing Zeln and saving the baby from the harm that the Prince bring.

"We need to save the baby!"

A tall with a fair white skin exclaimed as he grip his sword with enough strength and determination to kill the prince without knowing the truth.