Chapter 34: The Perks of Being An Undead (2)

~ Third Person's Point of View ~

"We need to save the baby!" One of the survivors exclaimed and grasp his sword.

Nevertheless, Zeln noticed them from afar. He stopped running and the prince has no way to escape. "Waaaah! Waaah!"

The baby cried out for the nth time as they halted from moving. Zeln stared at it like he knows what to with the baby. 

He opened his mouth as big as he can but the survivors thought of something harmful and lethal conclusion without knowing the truth.


A loud growl reverberated at the forest and none of them knows where it comes from.

"Hurry up! Zombies are showing up; we must get and save the baby from him!"

Survivors were determined to save the baby and killing the zombie; a royal undead to be certain.

However, Zeln was mesmerized when the baby smiled at him. It wasn't a normal smile but a rare and one of the good and warm feeling could a real father feel upon witnessing such.

The baby began to utter a word while his both hands were reaching and was trying to touch the prince's bloody face. "Fa! Faaa!"

The prince cannot control his emotion when he began to transform. His pupils became white again and his mouth was moving alone as it was looking for flesh.

Without the prince's knowledge, the survivors run towards him and swipe their weapon into the air. "Give me that baby, zombie, and I will let you go! Come one!"

Zeln became entirely greedy and loses his sanity upon seeing the survivors grasping and holding swords that can hurt him. By then, he turned his head; still holding the baby.

"Give to me the baby or else, you will taste your own blood!" One of the survivors threatened the prince.

With that, Zeln was being provoked and was willing to bite all of them with no doubt and with no mercy.

One of the five survivors whispered something to the other man, next to him. "Wait! Look carefully at how he dressed up. That small pin on his shoulder; perhaps he belongs to the royal families of Alicesha and or from other kingdoms."

"Whether he came from the royal family, still, he's a zombie now and he's one of our enemies. Our main goal is to get the baby from him, or end his life, now or never!"

For another blow, Zeln was being attacked by five survivors. They swipe; jags and tries to stab the prince, fortunately, Zeln prowled quickly as if he possesses an unusual power.

"Grrgggh! Grrrgghhh!"

Zeln struggles to escape, and to block the attacks that survivors were throwing. However, in a flash, the baby slips into Zeln's hands when he moved sideways to bite one of the survivors.

All of them were stunned and shocked by realizing that the baby was going to fall into the ground. "The baby!"

Before they can catch it, Zeln already gets the baby safely. It didn't cry when he was in the air but, the prince didn't saw it coming.

Blood scattered throughout the place; and blood flows into one of the swords.  It wasn't a pure shade of red that made the survivors shocked and amazed.

"A bluish blood?!"

All of them exclaimed and step backward upon recognizing the zombie's rare shade of blood. 

"Book of prophecy!" One of them uttered.

"He's the missing key!" 

Too late to regret. The prince got a big slice at his broad back; and it was bleeding relentlessly.

Zeln, for the nth time, screamed at the top of his lungs when he feels the discomfort at his back. He then looked at them sharply and was planning to revenge.

"He's not a normal zombie; and perhaps he's the person who can reverse this current dilemma. But right now, we need to go back to our hideout and tell the geriatric Belor!"

A man that wearing a long, black cloak put his sword into its sheath. The remaining four did the same thing too and was planning how to escape from Zeln.

"What about the baby?! For heaven's sake, we cannot let the baby die!"

Indeed, he's right but right now escaping from the zombie is the best way to do. If they can't reach their hideout before the sunrise, it would be harder to avoid the walking dead.

"Waaah, Waaah!" The baby cried so loud and survivors realized that it wasn't in the zombie's arm.

It was in the ground, kicking and all naked.

One of them walked closer to the baby and touched it. "We need to escape; hurry up! There are zombies coming this way!"

By then, they have no choice but to leave the baby alone and the zombie with rare blood.

The prince touched the baby again; that changed his appearance. His eyes came back to its original color and his big cut began to heal; leaving a nasty scar.

Zeln was mesmerized and fascinated when he realizes what had happened. Still; he can't think the same as a human being. His appearance maybe has changed but his sanity remained still as the virus lived and controlling his mind and body.

Troy; the healer turned into a real man and he was surrounded by a flash of vivid lightning. He smiled into the prince and said in a soft, and in a mesmerizing tone.

"You shall be healed and at the right time, you will go to meet your other half, Zelnacariah, the Prince of the Lost Empire, Atlantis. Listened to your blossom as you find her, because, it is the only thing that can recognize her."

Zeln turned around, looking for the voice but he can't see Troy; the healer.  "Grrrrrrgggh!" He then roared so audibly as the sun starts to rise up.

The healer, watched the prince searching for him and so, he added, "I don't have an abundant time to stay longer at the present. Remember, I'll stay at your side and in your mind to guide you to find your other half. "

By then, Troy vanished instantly into the cold breeze.  Everything disappeared including the piece of fabric that used to wrap the tot.

Afterward, the sun began to emerge and so the surroundings began to be visible. Yet, the prince was awestricken of what is happening to him.