Chapter 57: Believe It or Not

~ Third Person's Point of View ~

The sun began to rise still everyone is sleeping so deep and in peace. Except for Alice who's imagining about her dream with regards to the infected prince.

She said, "I remembered that I cut myself, my right palm if I'm not mistaken! Then the prince drank and tasted my blood! I don't know why would a zombie do such a thing!"

Alice throws a meaningful look at Cartlon who's clasping his hands. He's been insisting that all of it was only part of her illusions and misconceptions. He said, "A nightmare doesn't happen in real life, Alice! To be honest, I've been listening to your statements for the nth time and I don't have an idea of what to say anymore."

The princess looked down and remembered the last thing she did to the prince. She said, "I jabbed him, Cartlon! And I saw with my naked eyes how his blood splashed into my face and cloak!"

"You killed him?" He asked.

By nodding her head back and forth, Cartlon already knows the truth. He added, "You can even slay hundreds and thousands of your enemies! One zombie is nothing but equivalent to an insect who's easy to kill with."

Princess Alice forgot regarding Cartlon's depravity. She set aside her anger and disappointment towards the man she was talking with; her right hand to be exact.

If the princess will choose between to forgive or to regret. She will be chasing the positive and bright side.

She replied, "He's different!" The princess stood up as she can't either believe what she was discovered with. "For heaven's sake, I've never encountered such a zombie who possesses a rare bluish blood! Cartlon, believe me, or not but I am certain that he is real! That we will be going to meet and fight with him!"

Alice seated back and faced him waiting for Cartlon's response.

Instead of paying attention to what Princess Alice's is saying about, Cartlon replied, "Alice!" His voice raised up and looked at her eyes intently.

Perhaps, the princess already forgot her real mission. The things that she needs to accomplish with.

The princess was stunned upon realizing that Cartlon raised his voice at her. She replied, "Do not raise your voice on me, Cartlon! I know what I am speaking about. I know what I have to fulfil while I can't still find the elusive mage!"

Cartlon stood up and turned his back at her before answering. He said, "It's time for you to know the truth, Alice. I couldn't stand seeing you like that every single day! I couldn't bear to see you sad and exhausted!"

Princess Alice widened her eyes and replied, "The truth?"

"Yes, Alice! Forgive me if I hid it from you but now, I am certain to speak up the truth." Cartlon walked closer to her and look intently into her eyes.

Cartlon added, "When Billy and I gawked the nearby place, surmising to see your younger sibling. We met a quest man and he knows the person who can help us to locate and to know the verity behind the book of prophecy."

Upon hearing the good news, the princess opened her mouth. She then stares at Cartlon and replied, "Are you certain Cartlon? Are you certain and confident with what the quest man has told you?"

For the first time, Cartlon closer his mouth. To be honest, he doesn't know the answer either. But, Cartlon is determined to convince the princess. "I am certain, your majesty. The thing that we need to do is go to where's Morgan staying at."

Princess Alice seems convinced by his swords. If she won't take a risk, it would be harder and tougher to end the apocalypse.

She must grab the chance to uncover the truth while she has still the time to do it.

She asked, "Morgan? Who is he, Cartlon?"

"He's the person who I am talking about. We need to hurry up! We need to persuade Morgan to be one of our ally in breaking off the apocalypse. We need him, Alice! If we failed to convince Morgan, we cannot go back to the palace with Shaotzie."

Cartlon sought out after speaking to the princess. He was glaring at Alice and waiting for her to respond.

Alice looked around as she saw Sahara, Billy and the woman sleeping. She said, "Before the outburst of this phenomenon, I used to hear the roosters and small birds howling as soon as the sun began to rise. Not until a sudden apocalypse came into my kingdom and made my people suffer and endure."

"One thing to be sure of, I will redeem my homeland from the undead! I will never let them outdo me!" Princess Alice uttered.

Cartlon was about to reply when they heard a low voice coming from behind. The woman said, "Your majesty!"

Both of their attention diverted to the woman who's currently rubbing her eyes with her dirty and callous hand.

Yet, Princess Alice stayed quiet but attentive.

The woman slowly stood up and clasping her hands. She then bowed her head and she added, "Go forth with your quest, your majesty! I do solemnly vow that I will look after the young man and woman. You shall not worry about us rather, continue to disclose about the prophecy before the end of time."

Cartlon and Princess Alice looked at each other because of the woman's statements. How can they trust her with a hundred percent if she's a stranger?

How can she safeguard Billy and Sahara if she's still weak and vulnerable? How can she protect them if she can't protect her own self?

Nevertheless, Princess Alice gave her an abrupt smile. She replied, "May I know your name? It would be harder and gauche if we will call you something that you don't have a preference for."

The woman said with a big smile written on her face. "I am Elizabeth, Eli as I used to be called by the majority. It's my pleasure to meet you, Princess Alice."

Princess Alice replied, "It's my pleasure to help you, Eli. But, how can we give our entire trust onto you?"

Out of nowhere, the woman burst into a warm laugh and said, "I am your mother's old and genuine friend, Alice." Eli stared at the princess, hoping that she will be remembered by Alice.