Chapter 58: An Old Good Friend

~ Third Person's Point of View ~

Elizabeth was taller than Sahara but shorter than Billy. Her hazel eyes match with her long curly chestnut hair.

She was wearing an ancient bracelet braided with thick fabrics and essences. Her long white dress fitted with her size.

Eli was staring at Sahara for so long now since Cartlon and Princess Alice went off, to begin with her quest. She said, "What a lovely and glamorous face you possess, young woman! I could barely remember Marie when she was younger as you are."

She then caresses Sahara's hair like she was her own child. Eli whispered, "You really looked like Marie, hence, the truth is she never had the chance to meet you. I am sorry for what I've done, fifteen years ago, Al–."

Eli couldn't utter her real name because it feels like she's dying of conscience.

Tears flow down into her cheeks as she reflected her wrongdoings with late Queen Marie. How can she be too selfish and greedy to obey all of what high officials told her? 

All of a sudden, Sahara opened her eyes upon having an odd dream. She was stunned when she saw the woman, leaning and touching her hair. She shortly wears her shoes and asked Elizabeth.

"What are you doing? I thought you're still sleeping and gaining enough energy!" Sahara exclaimed.

She seems surprised and shocked by the woman's suspicious actions. Yet, she tried to hide it within. Sahara added, "What is your name, noblewoman?"

Elizabeth took a few steps backwards before answering back. She was startled too when Sahara abruptly woke up while her hands on Sahara's hair.

Nevertheless, Elizabeth lowered won her head and replied, "I am Elizabeth, young woman. But, you can call me Eli if you want to."

Elizabeth smiled sweetly at Sahara. Hoping and praying, that she will be forgiven by her old good friend, Queen Marie.

On the other side, Billy was awakened by their voices. He forgot that the sun is shining so bright already. He said, "What a lovely sun!" Billy stretched out his arms and see Sahara and Eli talking about something.

He said, "Good morning Sahara! Good morning–" Billy looked at Eli and waited for her to utter her name. She said, "Elizabeth."

Billy gave her a sweet and genuine smile. He replied, "Good morning to both of you! But–"

The young man halted from speaking when he didn't saw Princess Alice and Cartlon around. He glances at Sahara but she slightly shook her head back and forth.

Before the two of them earn enough courage to ask Eli, the woman itself speak up. "Princess Alice and Cartlon went onto the quest man's hideout. They have to leave as soon as possible and went here back before the downfall." Elizabeth uttered.

Billy gets off from the bed and wear his shoes. He then walked closer to Sahara before whispering. "I do not understand why and how did Princess Alice gave her trust to Elizabeth. I mean, we've met her last night and it'll be impossible to convince the princess to safeguard us."

"They left us and went to Morgan? I can't believe it!" Billy exclaimed and walked towards the kitchen to make some hot tea.

Eli swallowed her saliva by Billy's movement. It was beyond her expectations. She thought that the young man will show even a lil' bit of respect for her.

However, Sahara sensed that Eli was hurt with what Billy had said. She felt guilty and culpable after all. Sahara cleared her throat and said, "Please do forgive Billy, Eli. Perhaps, he must be still tired and exhausted about what happened last night. I am apologizing on behalf of Billy."

Sahara bowed her head to ask for sympathy and leniency. She was too humble and a down to earth young woman. Sahara will definitely succeed with her dreams with no doubt and qualm.

A confectionary smile forms on Elizabeth's face because of her kindness. How can be a young woman be this too kind and generous?

She replied, "Do not worry Sahara. In fact, I am overwhelmed that her majesty trusted and counted on me to keep you, Billy, safe and unharmed." Elizabeth walked closer to Sahara and reached her soft yet paled thin skin.

She added, "You are not just beautiful Sahara. Rather, you are gorgeous within and out that what makes you more shining through the darkness and gloom. Your light will be the guide of her majesty to end the apocalypse. Trust with yourself, listen carefully to your heart and appreciate the signs."

Sometimes, other people can see someone's capability. Most especially, strangers rarely appreciate and compliments individuals whom they have met for the very first time.

Just like Elizabeth, she told Sahara how she blessed with a lot of things on earth. However, she was too young to understand about 'the light' she has.

Sahara replied, "Umm. I guess it would be better if we will prepare something to eat or something that can give warm into our cold and frigid stomachs, Eli."

"Ohh! I forgot that I was about to make some tea! I became too forgetful before the outburst of the zombie apocalypse." She exclaimed.

Sahara giggles and replied, "Don't be displeased Eli, but I am glad that you have planned to do it so."

Elizabeth gained a lot of strength and vigour by having enough time to sleep and enough amount of nutrients. She quickly changed from being afraid of a genuine and caring woman.

As the sun shines so bright, Elizabeth bowed her head for the nth time. She walked away from Sahara quietly. However, the young woman grabbed her arm that made her halt from doing so.

Sahara's grip into her wasn't too tight. Her palm was cold yet gentle and soft like cotton. She said, "I must thank you for keeping us protected from the undead, Eli. I've never thought that I will meet the Queen's old good friend."

"How did you know about that, young woman? Only Princess Alice and Cartlon  know about that thing!" Elizabeth widened her eyes with fear and panic drawn on her face.

Instead of uttering a single word, Sahara leaned closer to her. She was uneasy and comfortable but still, managed to be firm and rigorous.

"I've heard everything you had said to the Queen! I know the truth, Eli."

By then, Sahara walked away from Elizabeth with a big smile on her face.