Chapter 67: A Poisonous Tea

~ Third Person's Point of View ~

Morgan who seated like a God looked at the Princess as if he was saying that, 'You have nowhere to run, Alice' in a low, meaningful voice. He then poured the hot and natural tea into Alice's wooden cup as he rests his left arm into his lap.

He said, "Please, do not feel uncomfortable with me, your majesty. You are most welcome and the swordsman that stays beside you, most of the time."

Princess Alice gawked at Cartlon who's standing outside and rejected Morgan's offer. She understood why he did it due to the royal declarations.

She turned her gaze at him and smiled satirically that shows Alice's perfect set of white and sparkling teeth. She said, "Perhaps you have an idea why Cartlon had rejected your offer to sit and eat with us. He's faithful and he has one word, Morgan. If he says no, it would be a no, and if he says yes– it would always be yes."

"And that's made him more impressive. I am certain of that thing, your majesty." He replied while eyeing to Cartlon.

Morgan tasted the bland toasted bread and gnaw it silently. He added, "I maybe know what and why you came here suddenly, Princess Alice. But I can't guarantee your hundred percent trust towards me yet, I am willing to be one of your ally, your majesty."

A wide, genuinely smile plastered in her countenance as she was overwhelmed by his words. However, Alice has been observing the place and the people inside of the barrack since the moment she stepped into it.

Alice deliberately spooned the tea and saw small particles. She said, "This tea scents great and refined but–" She stopped from stirring the tea and put back the spoon near to the empty plate.

"But?" He sneaks peek at Phoax who was still cooking and was the one who prepared the tea for the princess. His stare was deep and profound– profound not to be foreseen and understood quickly.    

Alice gave him a hasty smile and replied, "I would love to savour what it tastes but my thirstiness drifted away upon noticing this." She let him see what she was referring to that made Morgan stiffened and gasped.

Morgan immediately stood up and throw out the cup of tea into the ground. He bowed his head in front of the princess and exclaimed, "Your majesty, please do give me a couple of minutes to replace it! My sincere apology, your majesty."

He vanished instantly and left Princess Alice inside, alone yet smiling whimsically.

Cartlon saw that Morgan went outside from the small room, exhausted and furious. He then looked around to overhaul Morgan's men fortunately, they are too occupied by making bamboo spears and traps.

"Your majesty!" He exclaimed but Alice told him to be quiet.

Alice replied, "I saw something suspicious on the tea Cartlon. I am not certain but I have prophesied that it will happen. Be observant and vigilant, Morgan is trying to fool me around."

"Aye, your majesty!"

"Go back now and act like we haven't talked to, yet," Alice said.

In an instant, Cartlon went back to his position and Hatius showed up. He said, "Here. Take this swordsman because I can see that you are too uneasy and worried."

This time, he took the tea from Hatius hand and twirled it. It was clear and pure unlike what Phoax had served into the princess.

Cartlon asked, "Hatius, did you see your twin brother made this tea?"

He waited for the young man to stop sipping while still, holding the wooden cup.

Hatius cackled and replied, "It's not Phoax who made the tea, swordsman."

Cartlon gasped and looked at the princess who is currently holding a knife. He asked, "Then who did it, Hatius?"

His voice rose as his eyes widened in disbelief. However, he quickly paraphrases the question in a low and calm voice. "Who made this tea, Hatius? Not because I don't like the taste of it but the truth is– it smells good and gave me a soothing feeling."

Hatius drank and swallowed everything before answering.

He said, "The princess made this tea, swordsman. Earlier, she followed and asked me for a favour– a favour that letting her made all the preparation without anyone suspecting her. Keep and close your mouth, swordsman. Princess Alice would be vindictive when she finds out that I've told you about this thing."

Cartlon slightly shook his head and smiled genuinely to divert Hatius attention.

He was too confused and clueless about what is really happening. He felt that Alice betrayed and stabbed his back by hiding the truth from him.

Nevertheless, he did not think of betraying the princess since before. He cannot permits to commit treason against the ascending Queen of Alicesha.

Alice's voice keeps flashing on his head. 'Morgan gave me a tea that contains a poison that comes from the extract of a rare tree of Nara. He's conspiring to perpetuate me, Cartlon.'

Hatius observed that he came to be different and quiet. Cartlon became gloomy like the grey sky. He said before leaving him, "Drink it before it turns cold and tedious."

Out of frustration, he swallowed everything without noticing the odd taste of tea.

He mumbled, "How and why, Alice?"

His eyes are red but he controlled himself not to be affected. Cartlon who was hurt walked away from Alice's side and went to Morgan's men who are still making spears.

He said, "Hand it to me! I'll teach you the easiest and effortless way of making and honing bamboo.

Two men quickly lent to him one long bamboo. Cartlon heaves his sword and demonstrated on how to polish and makes pikes using a single bamboo.

"Wooh! Look at this, it was amazingly done!"

Cartlon bowed his head when he feels like falling into the surface. He shortly looked at them but his vision became blurry and his headaches that was too unbearable to endure.

By then, he dropped his sword and stumbled. Morgan's men tried to ask him what's going on but he can't clearly hear what they are asserting.



"You are going to collapse, swordsman!"

Cartlon lost his consciousness. Slowly, he plunged and felt the hardness and coldness of the ground.

"Wake up, swordsman!"

One of them tried to make him cognizant but he's not responding as if he falls into a deep and peaceful rest.