Chapter 68: Two-Faced Traitors

~ Third Person's Point of View ~

The virus-plague disease spread all over the nearby kingdom and even the Kings did not found the cure that could fluctuate the current phenomenon.

Civilians were the most affected and homeless by the apocalypse. Yet, most of them are wondering why does the Princess never give them food supplies since the outbreak began.

Survivors that remains standing and holding their weapons are planning to get into the palace. They thought that it was the safest place to stay with without knowing what is the truth.

"Prepared enough goods for all the women and children! All men will be working with the spears and traps! As the upcoming full moon, we will move into the palace and we will be begging the Princess to let us stay. Do you understand?!"


All humans that are still breathing and not yet infected were contriving to reach the palace for their safety and shelter.

Children and women were starving, men– both young and old were selected to bolster their defense against the nuisance brought by the undead.  

And if Princess Alice discovered what Caliek has done to her people, she will set aside her pity and shall investigate him by abiding the laws and ordinances.

On the other hand, Billy grabbed the young woman's arm and brought her outside. They have left Elizabeth who is currently preparing foods for them.

Billy looked carefully at the door, making sure that no one can hear their conversation especially the stranger. He said, "Where is her majesty? Why do they are not yet here even though the sun sets already?!"

"Do you trust the princess, Billy?"

Sahara looked intently into his eyes as if she were testing his loyalty and trust.

Billy bowed his head and gulped. He replied, "Why are you asking me that way, Sahara?"

His voice was deep as the blue ocean.

Instead of responding Billy, Sahara conveyed him the same way of questioning.

She asked, "Why are you raising your voice at me, Billy? Why don't we wait patiently for her majesty and Cartlon to come back tomorrow morning? Why are you behaving like you do not trust Princess Alice?"

"I do trust the Princess!"

"Yes, you're not!"

Billy was supposed to grasp Sahara's arm but she quickly avoided his hand.

She said, "You have to calm down and trust her majesty, Billy. Can't you see? Destiny brought Eli to the forest because of the purpose that she needs to accomplished with!"

Sahara's eyes twinkle and became perky upon telling Bully what she had discovered about Elizabeth.

"What do you mean by that, Sahara? I couldn't understand it!" Billy replied.

Sahara holds her arm and brought Billy back inside of the house. By then, Billy saw what is Elizabeth doing.

He exclaimed, "Does she certainly studying that single branch of the tree?!" Billy recognizes that it was a branch of a rare was that only grows in a healthy forest.

Sahara turned her gaze at him and replied, "Watch her as she gracefully touches and peels off some of it. She appears mindful about studying something."

"In other words, she was once skilled in treating unhealthy people of Alicesha!"

Sahara corrected him and said, "She was once a royal nurse of Queen Marie same age as Eli, Billy."

Billy grabbed her hands for the second time. He then began laughing and said, "She can help us to find the cure! Elizabeth is the answer to our hardships and invocations, Sahara!"

Sahara replied, "You have to keep it as our little secret. As soon as the princess come back, we will tell her what we had uncovered. Can you do such simple favour, Billy?"

The young man became serious and halted from making any noise. He then replied, "I can keep it on my own, Sahara. Trust me and you will infer who I am, really."

Billy convinced her to believe his word and he succeeds.

Little did she know that Billy has bad motives and intentions. Deep down, he thought of forcing Elizabeth to find and or create a cure for the infectious disease.

That way, he can use her as bait against Princess Alice. He maybe forgot the King's wickedness but Billy never forgot to seek for revenge.

"Billy, Sahara, it's too dark outside! Get inside, hurry up!" Elizabeth exclaimed.

For her assurance, Sahara stared at him as if her eyes were saying 'Do not forget about our secret or both of us will be doomed.'

She then quickly turned her gaze at Eli and replied, "Wait for us, Eli!" Sahara shook her head lightly and tapped Billy's shoulder.

"Let's get inside! It's too cold to stay here." Billy said in a low voice.

As quick as the thunderstorms, they reached inward and foods were already served. It was a simple meal yet tastes luscious.

Sahara walked towards into the small table and scooped the tea. She smells it and exclaimed, "Wooh! What does this tea make of, Elizabeth?"

Billy shrugged his shoulder and seated on beside of Sahara. He was eating silently while thinking on how to get even with Princess Alice.

A warm, gentle laugh of Sahara and Elizabeth echoed. The tickling sounds of their teeth that gnaws the boiled sweet potatoes.

Sahara peeled off another sweet potato while still smiling. She already ate more than five of it yet she has no plans of stopping.

Elizabeth giggles while enunciating words. She said, "I could barely reminisce those good and memorable memories we both shared with the Queen of Alicesha. Those kind of memories is hard to let go of my heart, Sahara. Although I committed a punishable betrayal and put her life into the edge, still Marie forgave me but the King sent me into the far Kingdom of Atlantis."

Elizabeth stopped from twirling the wooden cup and gently put it on the table. She was then about to tell them a story but Billy interrupted and said, "I have something to do with. Please do continue with your conversation."

He did not taste the tea but Billy seems he's in a hurry.

Sahara said, "Let's continue, Eli! Your story would be great and interesting. I am certainly want to hear it from you!" Her eyes and mouth were telling the same message.

As Billy take steps away from them, Elizabeth cleared her throat and replied, "It's all about the two-faced traitors, Sahara."

He then stopped taking another step upon hearing the title of the story. He gulped and said, "It would be an incredible story, Eli." Billy turned his head and smiled at her upon leaving.