Chapter 71: She's Not Coming Back

~ Third Person's Point of View ~

Before the dark, Princess Danaya gathered all the guards excepts the captives. Everything was ready as what she had planned for.

Water. Foods. Weapons. Courage and her ambitions.

The five major components that Princess Danaya have prepared on getting on the Palace and to take the throne as the Princess of Alicesha.

As the guards put all of the stocks on the wagons. Danaya's commanded, "Get ready! We will be going to the palace before the dark! Finish everything, now!" 

"Yes, your majesty!"

Guards answered her in the chorus and quickly do their undone duty.

She looked around and tried to see the Captain, yet she failed to find him. While searching for someone, Belor and Shaotzie talked on how they can evade from the uncharitable leader.

Below murmured, "Shh. Don't make any noise, your majesty. As what I've heard last night, Princess Danaya will be taking us into the Palace. She's aiming to conquering our land, our kingdom!"

The young woman closed her eyes in disbelief.

How can she be able to surpass every challenge that come into her when she's all alone and by herself.

Shaotzie replied, "We can't fight against them Belor! We're unarmed and helpless!" Her voice was low and she looks hopeless.

Instead of agreeing to the young princess, Belor looked around. At the north, there were two guards standing. Similarly, at east and west, there was only one guard.

Belor pointed the small hole at the south side of the hideaway. However, Shaotzie remained clueless and naive. She asked, "An opening? How can we get through that hole? We are too big, old man!"

"Your majesty! Keep your voice low." He replied while looking at the guards if they have heard something urgent.

Shaotzie sighed and covered her head because of being careless. She apologized for acting like a dumb. She uttered, "I am sincerely asking for forgiveness. I became a foolish woman when I am not with my elder sister, Alice."

The old man felt the anxiety and difficulty of Shaotzie. By simply looking at her emerald eyes, he can determine what she truly feels especially that she's longing for Princess Alice's arm. 

Unfortunately, he heard loud footsteps towards them. He quickly said, "Someone's coming, your majesty! Do as what we've planned and we must succeed this time around."

As the footsteps nearer, Shaotzie fell into the ground. Her body was trembling and her eyes are wide open like she's attacked by a serious illness.

Belor shouted and asked for help. "Help me! Help me! Her majesty is out of control! She's not responding! Anyone who can hear me?! Her majesty is not responding!"

Danaya went back inside to know what's going on with the young woman and Belor. Until she heard a loud voice– a loud voice that embroidered with fear and hopelessness.

"Your majesty! Wake up! Wake up!" Belor tapped Shaotzie's face yet she's not responding. She was still writhing while sweating profusely.

Danaya witnesses everything but she remained steady and stone-hearted. She then asked Belor. She said, "What happened with her, old man? Perhaps, you poisoned the young princess for you to escape. Am I right?"

"No, your majesty! The truth is, her majesty told me that she's hungry and thirsty but I have nothing to give her! Later on, she fell into the ground– trembling and sweating!" Belor confessed to Danaya.

Hoping that she will order his men to disperse and get something for the young woman.

Even Danaya is doubting, she gulped for a minute and said. "Call the Royal Physician, now!" The guards answered, "Aye, your majesty!"

Little did she know, that everything was being planned.


Meanwhile, as Billy and Sahara discovered Elizabeth's past, they have remained quiet and calm. Especially Sahara who's been too close to her.

It was between the sunrise and the sunset when Sahara pulled Billy into the rendezvous.

She said, "It's been a day since her majesty and Captain went off to convince the quest man! I've been uncomfortable and uneasy!" Sahara glances at Eli who's shovelling the soil.

They have planned to plant trees inside of Billy's house while the outbreak is still ongoing. Everyone must be flexible and smart enough on how they can live against hunger and the undead.

"We already finished planting all the tomatoes seeds, yet, they are not here to enlighten us what the perdition is going on!" Billy stamped his feet out of frustration.

He can't either understand why it took Princess Alice to come back.

"She's not coming back anymore, Sahara! We should accept all the possibilities and odds. This is reality, we are living in a world full of ups and downs. Thus, the only thing we can do right now is to stand with our own feet without anyone's help! Sahara, her majesty is not coming back for us, her people!"

A loud voice echoed as the strong wind blows. Billy cupped his scarlet cheek and face Sahara who's starting to cry.

She exclaimed, "I've never thought that you're one of those men! Men who're incapable enough to trust, to wait, and to keep his promises to his Queen!"

"I... I... I am embarrassed for being such, Sahara. I won't blame you for being a loyal and faithful follower of the Princess, starting today and until my last breath."

Billy shook his head as he was really embarrassed by being insensitive. He then turned his back but Sahara stopped him from walking out.

She exclaimed, "Wait!"

Her hands were grasping Billy's arm. Without her awareness, it makes him nervous and his heart beats so fast like it never happened before.

Billy felt the awkwardness between him and Sahara. He promptly turned his back and his face was blushing.

He said, "Sa... Sa... Sahara! You can now let go of my arm!" Billy touches his nape after saying those words.

Discreetly, he smiled as he stared at Sahara's hand that used to stop him. Sahara narrowed her eyes and asked Billy. She said, "You're cheeks are rosy! Why? Are you feeling well? Aren't you?"

It's the right time for Billy to makes an alibi for her not to notice the truth. He said, "Oh! I am fine, Sahara! Maybe, because of the heat of the sun. That's why, perhaps."

The tension vanished yet, awkwardness replaced.

From afar, Elizabeth is watching them. She was even smiling widely and looking at her head as if she knows what does it feel. She murmured, "Youth nowadays looks timid and timorous. What a waste of genes and sweats!"

Out of nowhere, Sahara burst into a genuine laugh that caught Billy's attention. Her perfect set of teeth was a visible and small indentation in her cheeks that made her more beautiful.

Billy whispered into the winds, "Why do I am feeling being electrified?"

By then, he gradually forgets about the loquacious Princess, – Shaotzie.