Chapter 72: You Deserve To Be Punished

~ Third Person's Point of View ~

– At the Palace –

The royal guards kept the palace safe and protected. All of them are forced to follow the laws of the new leader, Caliek. The Princess's trustworthy comrade.

From above, anyone who attempted to get into the palace shall be killed according to Caliek's order. Even one of the royal family, and even Princess Alice.

The palace had changed.

The ruling. The decrees. Everything was being distorted.

However, an apostate like Philip aimed to get into a higher position in the palace. Not to be the King, but to be the right hand of the next Queen and or King.

Philip twitched his jaw after drinking up the wine, while the still grasping the wine glass. 

He said, "You're too quiet that makes me think that everything is out of our control." Philip walked closer and halted beside him.

"I am overwrought," Caliek replied shortly. "Yet, I am wondering where's her majesty and Cartlon at this moment?"

Philip hissed and replied, "If she's not yet infected, then her majesty must be on her way of searching for the elusive mage. Alice won't accept downfall, just like the late King."

"She won't. But, I'll make sure that her majesty will never know about our plans." He rested his arm while the other one remained hung and useless.

Both of them burst into a laugh as if they already succeed with their ambitions and agendas.

Philip poured some wine into Caliek's glass. The smile on his face was still noticeable, he said looking at his eyes intently.

"Are you happy?"

Caliek gasped. Thinking what to say. "Why did you asked about it?" His voice changed from being dominant into a cowardly one.

The palace seems the safest place to stay in. It was protected by tall and unbreakable walls that made of expensive stones and rocks. 

Some of the barricades were being destroyed by the undead but, it wouldn't be a threat for all the people inside of the palace.

"Answer my question. Yes or No?"


Caliek's response was unexpected.

It was not a lie nor a truth. Nevertheless, Philip cleared his throat to break the walls and barriers between him and Caliek.

To avoid misunderstandings, Caliek laughed so loud and added. He said, "I am aiming myself to make you smile, yet as I look upon you, I could say that I failed of doing it."

"No! I mean..."

Caliek never thought that he would come this far. He never imagined himself that he will be given a chance to be the King temporarily.

That he would have the power to give commands and make laws without anyone's approval. In just one snap of his fingers,  the royal servants will immediately convey everything he needs.

In just one clap of his hand, everyone became quiet and bowed their heads as if he is his majesty.

Caliek looked up into the bright sky and whispered, "May the ancestors forgive me for being selfish and hungry of superiority. May all of them seize my sins and guilt in my chest."

"Caliek!" Philip exclaimed when the door opened so wide without his order.

Until one of the royal guards showed up with a piece of paper on his hand. There were six soldiers standing behind. "Your honour, one of your comrades sent this note for you!"

Philip nodded his head and get the glass he was holding with. He then let Caliek read the message written on the paper.

Caliek said, "You can go back to your perspectives stances!" The royal guards firmly replied, "Aye, your honour!"

Before leaving the rectangular room, Caliek leaned closer to the guard who holds the note earlier. He whispered, "Did you find the location of her majesty?"

"Not yet, your honour! But we're presuming that her majesty is hiding at the forest with two young survivors named, Billy and Sahara. Also, the Captain of the Royal guards saved the woman in her forties. Yet, our men are still trying to know that woman."

He seems surprised yet he managed to hide it.

"Do not stop until you find her majesty!"

"Aye, your honour! We're heading out now!" As soon as they're alone. Philip doubts Caliek.

He mumbled, "What's in your mind, Caliek? You look tensed and pressured, " Philip rubs his hand and his temple.

He was trying to read his expression as if he can determine what is in his mind. Philip added, "It must be her majesty. Am I correct, Caliek?"

"Why would I waste my time searching for her majesty? Where in fact, we both know that eliminating Alice in the palace is our prominent plan. Why would I?" Caliek replied without looking at him.

Philip stiffened and murmured, "Are you certain?"

"Yes. I am."

"I thought you really care about Alice, but as I hear everything you say, I can conclude that you are a good friend."

Caliek smiled bitterly but not that long. He can sense that his comrade is starting doubting him and his capabilities. He must meet the person behind all of this chaos.

Before ending their children conversation, Caliek whispered into Alice's Uncle. He said, "I want to meet our leader, personally. I hope you can help me, my friend."

He then walked away from him and leaving Philip, trembling and sweating.


The night has come. It was different from the previous day due to the gloomy and cloudy sky. It seems like rain, and every second, a bolt of lightning strikes into the surface.

The sky must be disheartened because of the unexpected outburst of the undead.

"Your majesty, what should we do with the firewoods and wheat? There's no enough place to keep them warm and away from the rain." Morgan's servant pleaded to spare their lives and as an exchange as to one of the faithful and honest royal servants of the next Queen.

Cartlon gasped and said, "We have still time to transfer all of them!" He then faced Alice who's currently thinking for a better strategy.

"Let us know your opinion, your majesty. We will immediately do what you've ordered!" He's back. Carlton's energy and enthusiasm are one of the characteristics of a Captain of royal soldiers.

Alice was about to open her mouth when a thunderstorm hits. It was loud and scary. It can even kill anyone without doing anything.

Alice exclaimed, "Let's go! We don't have much time!"

"You're coming with us, your majesty?" Hatius asked her.

The young man couldn't believe that Alice is not truly a typical woman who fears lightning and thunderstorms. She was really brave and fearless that made her more attractive and fascinating.

But before she could answer, Morgan woke up from the peaceful sleep. His eyes were red because of anger yet he's hopeless and reckless for annihilating the Princess of Alicesha.

Morgan was being tied up by the rope. His feet and neck were being chained for him not to evade.

"Try not to fear going out, your majesty! You will see the real monsters once you open that door! Ha ha ha ha ha!" A loud laugh echoed.

By that moment, Princess Alice felt something in her blossom that she can't explain.

Morgan built a room made of bamboo and tough woods. But none of them knows what's inside of it. The only thing that his servants know that Morgan ordered to keep the room closed and locked.

Alice turned her gaze at him. She said, "Are you hiding something in that room? Aren't you?"

Morgan gave them an abrupt and scary laugh. Even Hatius have no idea about his uncle's big secret. "I thought you're a wise Princess, your majesty, " He was still laughing. "Just like your father, you will be obliterated without any evidence!"

Cartlon saw that Princess Alice was taken aback upon hearing Morgan's dirty words. He saw how Alice gulped and breath heavily.

"Latched his mouth, now!" Cartlon commanded Hatius.

Even though he's not prepared of doing so to his akin, Hatius searched for something that can be used. While searching, Morgan halted from grinning and exclaimed.

"They will be going to chase her majesty! They will bite her until she'll turn into a flesh-eating monster and none of you can stop them!" It was his last warning.

Last warning yet alarming and frightening.

If he can't cease of talking absurdity, one of them would kill Morgan. And so the young man quickly gets a piece of cloth and put it into Morgan's mouth.

"You deserve to be punished!" Cartlon uttered while looking at the man before him, grinning like an evil creature.

Together with Princess Alice; Hatius, Cartlon and Morgan's servants began transferring the stocks and woods.

Her majesty was standing behind, watching her men who are working hard in the middle of the night.

She commanded not to unlock the room he was referring to. Because she can grasp a terrible thing.

Hatius called out the Princess and said, "Your majesty, we have transferred all the wheat and rice except for the firewoods. There's nothing to be used excluding that room."

He was pointing the locked room, standing still in front of them. Her Majesty replied, "Prepare yourselves! We will be unlocking the remaining unused room!"

Her majesty heaves her sword while Cartlon and Hatius lead the way.

Alice knows to herself that it was too risky but she have is, in order to discern if Morgan is lying or telling the truth.