Chapter 76: She's Sick

~ Third Person's Point of View ~ 

– At Danaya's Hideaway – 

A royal physician hurriedly examines and scrutinize the young woman. He put his two fingers on Shaotzie's wrist to checked her pulse. The good thing was, she stopped from convulsions and seizures. 

While Belor was transferred nearer to the hidden hole that he and she only knew. 

From afar, he can barely hear the physician's heartbeat as he struggled to know her illness. Belor whispered, "If you will keep on finding, the more that the truth will evade. Let us see if you discover something, Princess Danaya."  

However, the Physician shook his head as he couldn't find something severe on her. Her vitals were stable enough to move from one place to another. He lifted up his head after listening to her heartbeat.