Chapter 77: She Was Gone

~ Third Person's Point of View ~ 

The nighttime is occurring and so, everyone prepared the horses. Danaya forced Shaotzie to stand as she knows that she was just making alibis. 

She started at her like she was saying that you will never be going to escape from me. You will be dead soon in my own hands that will provoke her sister to have revenge. 

"Your majesty, we're all ready to move out! However..." Captain hesitated to begin again, he was quite looking an eye with Shaotzie after knowing that she was a princess. Danaya asked him, "You cared for her. Right, Captain?" 

It was out of the blue. 

Captain gulped as he was being cornered by her majesty. Instead of nodding his head, he said, "I've been gawking her, your majesty. But, I've never cared for someone since my daughter died, three years ago."