Chapter 88: Saving An Infected Prince

~ Third Person's Point of View ~ 

There was a man lying still on the ground. Nasty and bathed in blood. 

"Father! Father!" Mariya called the man who's walking away from her. 

"You didn't listen to me, Mariya!" 

She was frowning. "But, he looks like a prince! Look at him, Father! Look at him!" 

"I trust no one! And I know that you know that!" 

Mariya was unfortunate that her father did not try to save the man who needs their help. She turned her gaze on Iva, hoping that she will help her to convince Leros, Mariya's father. 

Leros walked a little distant from her. He narrowed his eyes upon knowing that her daughter brought a wounded and man bloody man. 

He didn't fail to remind Mariya that at this point in their lives, trust is the hardest and most expensive thing to be considered. 

That trusting someone that easily will bring you onto the edge of death.