Chapter 89: I Won't Touch Nor Leave Him

~ Third Person's Point of View ~ 

Leros lay him down into the sheet that Mariya had prepared. The hut wasn't that small and or wide enough for a man. It was inside of the barrack that Leros made when the undead began to spread. 

Before the crisis, he and Mariya were leaving at the Province of Capez. However, after thirty days when they moved out into Samaria, the apocalypse undertook the whole kingdom. 

"Knife." He said while treating all his wounds. 

In a quick way, she handed it to her father without uttering a word. 

He was too occupied by cleaning the man's body. He rinsed it with boiled water to keep him warm and the wounds to be healed sooner. 

Mariya was staring at him like she saw his face somewhere. She was to close that she can even hear his breathe. She gasped and said, "Fath–"