Chapter 142: They Must Be Defeated

~ Third Person's Point of View ~ 

Fortunately, the guard smelled the rotten smells of human flesh and blood. As he turns around to see it with himself, he stumbled upon realizing that there was an undead behind him.

He clamoured, "Climb up and save yourself, your honour! Let me handle and kill this one, "

Despite the struggle, the guard stood up quickly as the undead walked nearer and tighter.

The undead was snarling and howling.

Eager to have a grasp of the guard's arm and bite him until he turned into a hideous critter.

The guard was breathing heavily when he falls back into the guard. Realising that he got a severe cut from the sword he was grasping. "Ugggh! My leg!"

Screaming was the best thing he can do to ease the pain within. He weakly lifted the sword and saw his blood, flowing from its blade.

Cartlon exclaimed, "Hold on! I will save you!"