Chapter 143: Love Will Conquer Us All

~ Third Person's Point of View ~

~ At the palace of Alicesha ~

"Grasp your swords! Breath as heavy as you can as we will go to the Kingdom of Vladimir which the infected disease began to dissipate. Her majesty ordered to disclose the origin of the plague!"

"Tonight, prepare yourselves as we will begin a journey! A quest that will turn our lives upside down. To abandon your children, your beloved wife and yourselves."


Soldiers remained ready and firm.

They weren't allowed to move aside, to whine and to turn their back.

They have nowhere to go. Their foot is in engrave since the real war hasn't started yet.

From up above the palace, Caliek watched the crows and birds that flying around.

Ashes scattered on the clear and glowing floor. He was still smiling whimsically as he won against his enemy.