Chapter 200: Ending or Beginning

~ Third Person's Point of View ~


The guard clamoured when saw that one of the corpses stood up and tried to bite Cartlon's feet.

He was about to help him, but the undead's head rolled over onto the ground.

"Huh! Huh!"

"What happened, Captain?"

Even Cartlon doesn't know the reason behind.

He breaths deeply and put back the sword.

He said, "Hurry up! Sooner or later, all of them will come back to life! We need to burn them!"

Cartlon set aside the fear he felt. He knew that it was only temporary and burning the corpses was the only way to annihilate it down.

Two rocks were rubbed and scraped until it smoked.

The guard said, "Captain! I've created a fire!"

A loud voice echoed around the quiet place and Cartlon helped him to put up the fire.

He put the weeds, dried leaves and small branches of the trees.