Chapter 201: I Will Fight

~ Third Person's Point of View ~

The guards prepared and armed themselves with all the weapons needed.

Alice ordered all of them to farewell and embrace their beloved wife and children for the last time.

She needs to come back, safe and sound. She needs to protect and save her people from any danger and peril.

One of the guards walked towards her majesty and said, "Your majesty, everything has prepared and we are ready, to begin with, our quest!"

"Order the gatekeeper to open the fence! We need to come back before the sunsets!"

She ordered him.

Before Alice leads her people, she slowly closed her eyes as she asked for guidance from the above.

"Protect us from the undead. Protect all of her people as their family awaits to see them alive."

Her majesty whispered and prayed until she jumped into a raven steed.