Yes Or No?

Open my non-existent eyes, all I see is darkness all around. Up, down, left, right, there is nothing in here other than darkness. Not even a tiny particle of dust even exists. Darkness and only darkness, this place was totally not what I expected when I died.

I thought when someone dies, there will be meeting a God, author of man, inventor of the universe. Then one will be judge by him for all of the sins one did in their mortal life. If he or she passes, they will be rewarded and go to paradise, and if they failed, they will go to purgatory. But apparently, it's all false. There is no God, there is no afterlife, only void and abyss.

I don't know how much time have I spend in this eternal darkness, but what I know is it has been a long, long time. But weirdly enough, I can still clearly remember how I died as it just was yesterday. The smell of my own blood, the sound of crashing metal, the screaming, and the worried gaze, all of them I remember clearly. What a tragic day...

Stretching my non-existent arms, I began to fly around the darkness as it is my own backyard. This distinct but familiar sensation of floating is the only thing I can do in this void. It gives me a sense of superiority for some unknown reason.

If only I have this kind of power when I was alive, I probably will be a superhero, but what can I do? I'm already dead. Plus, this sensation is probably only in my imagination, and nothing actually really happens.

I always refer to my body part as non-existent is not without reason. And it is because my body part really does not exist. I can feel it being there, but I did not see it being there. It is like one feels a phantom arm when one cuts off their arm. But unlike phantom arm, where one can only feel, I can use it.


Look at the darkness before me, I can't help but sigh. What the use of me explain all this? What is the use? There is no one here other than me. Sigh is the only thing I can do.

Look at the darkness again. I can't help but turn rage. How can someone do this? Did God or a higher being really did not exist? Then what is the use of living? I am may not be a religious person. But I do believe in God, and this what I get after I died? What the use of I sacrifice myself for someone else when this what I got?! If I know!! If I know there's nothing after death, I will not help her. She should be the one here, dead!! Not me!! Why me?!

I want to scream, but there no voice come. I want to cry but there no tears out. I want to hurt myself, but there is no part to beat. I look back at the darkness, and there nothing I could do.

Calm myself down, I speak to myself. "If I'm a God, I will not let my creation leave stranded in darkness. If I'm a God, I will build a paradise for those who are good and hell for those who are evil. My trial will be perfect without flaw, one who is devoted will be rewarded, and one who is not will be punished. I will create a perfect world! My perfect world!!"

And as I finish my thought, I keep only to myself, something unexpected happens. Out of nowhere, a screen with text appears before me, and a voice resounds in my head.

[ You have experienced an enlightenment, as the seat of God is vacant, do you *@#$%#$&* accept to becoming a God and create a new realm and abolish this corrupted one?]

[ YES / NO ]