In the vast darkness of emptiness, a person standing, alone, in this great blackness as this was his backyard. His home, precisely. His relaxed postures and carefree manners in this unknown territory were bizarre. No matter how one's looks, from what perspective, this person was unusual.
His hair was long and white, pure as snow. Pupils were golden with a hint of amber, like a blazing fire. While his skin was flawless like jade, his body was perfect without any compression. Adorn in spotless white cloth and garments with golden bracers. He looks beyond godly yet plain as a passerby at the same time.
One who lays their eyes upon this person will surely ask, as who is this strange person?
He is the smartest of all, with the brightest of mind. As his word is law, his action is truth. He is the greatest, He is the supreme. He the one who stood above all, he the One True God! He is the Supreme Creator!
I love this concept so much please dont drop this. I believe in you author-san! .............................................................
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