Beautiful, Truly Beautiful!

Look at the complete Universe before me. I don't know what to feel. Happy, excited, or indifferent, I really don't know. Just to create it, I need to create a bunch of other things. But even after building it, I still need to maintain it.

From The Crystal Sphere Of Existence to the Six Great Realm, then follow with The Four Pillars Of Origin, all of them is just to create a Universe. But even after that, I still need to stabilize, resulting in the creation of The Four Pillars of Cosmos.

While it is not a bad thing, and I'm actually planning all of it to be that way. I just never thought that it was required this much work. When I'm writing on the book when I was once a mortal. I genuinely thought it all will be as swift as the breeze.

While it was as swift as a breeze when creating all this, I just really thought it will be even more easier. With a single thought and a boom, something like that, and the Universe is created. But no! Apparently, it is needed much more work than I anticipated.

Ahh, who cares now, right? The thing is already done, and it is not that extreme. Put all the negative thought behind, I then exit The Cosmic Halo Of Eternity. Now looking at the Universe from above the Sacred Domain, the Universe is beautiful, truly beautiful. As the only thing that shines in this Infinite Nothingness, The Cosmic Halo Of Eternity is the most eye-catching thing ever in here.

Praise myself for creating this masterpiece called Universe, a purple text screen suddenly appears before me, and a toneless mechanical voice resounds in my head. It was the System!

[ Congratulations, my host! Four more new elements are created. Pillars Of Cosmos acquired. Task Complete, check.]

[ First Pillar Of Cosmos, The Hollow Stone Of Chaos, acquired.]

[ Second Pillar Of Cosmos, The Primal Stone Of Law, acquired.]

[ Third Pillar Of Cosmos, The Benevolent Stone Of Virtue, acquired.]

[ Fourth Pillar Of Cosmos, The Malevolent Stone Of Sin, acquired.]

As usual, the System is listing and checking all things I create as I told it to. Now that the System has finished, I then nod my head as a thanking gesture. Following after, I then close all the notification that appears before me. As all the screens disappeared, I look back at the Universe from above.

Again, I can't help myself but praise it again. "Beautiful, truly beautiful." I chant that word one more time. Shake my head again, I then praise myself one more time as I ask myself how can I, create something so beautiful. *Chuckle* at my own question, I then again shake my head. Never could I thought, in a million years, that I will praise myself, but look! It already happens, twice already.


Sigh and focus my mind. It was enough of goofing around. I am now ready to complete the Scared Domain. As I said beforehand, every Great Realm will have multiple Universes. But there will only be one Main Universe, and it will always be placed at the very center of the Realm. And now that I have built the Main Universes. Let's create the rest.

And what I mean by creating the other Universes is copy and paste. As to why? It is because of no way in hell! That I repeat that entire process again and again! And just to create one, I need to do all that stuff. It is far better if I copy this main Universe, paste it, and edit it afterward. It is easier and also at the same time, it can save some time. Even not that the concept of time matters to me that much.

Now that I have explained everything. Let the action commences. But before that, let's do something different. Instead of using my power for everything, let use the Universe, The Cosmic Halo Of Eternity power. It got both pillars inside it and a tingling bit of Existence, so technically speaking, it can create other Universes. And, last but not least, let play God! Let give orders! Let's act like a Supreme Creator!

Staring at The Cosmic Halo Of Eternity from the surface of Sacred Domain, I then place both of my hands behind my back. Following afterward, I straighten my back and widen my chest. Then with looks of extreme haughtiness toward an inferior being, I open my mouth and command the Universe as an aura of an absolute aloofness executes from me.

"Cosmic Halo Of Eternity, Oh creation of mine, hear me and heed my command. Duplicate thyself into eight."

Immediately, as I said that, the Main Universe of the Sacred Domain shook a little. And following that, with only a naked eye, one can see the Universe duplicates itself into eight other Universes, leaving the Sacred Domain pack with nine Universes. The previously empty Realm that only shelters one Universe now ends up with eight other Universes.

I, standing on the surface of Sacred Domain, nod myself and smile in pure delight as I see the Universe duplicate itself into eight others. Sifted my gaze from the original to the eight copies, I smile even more, and I nod my head even harder.

The lone Universe is not that lonely anymore. Surrounding it are eight Universe, equally in brightness but slightly smaller in size. All of them are illuminated with trillions of stars and radiates with an extreme energy force that can destroy and create millions. All of them shine brighter than ever, even light itself might seem faint in compression.

Look at the eight duplicated Universes orbiting The Cosmic Halo Of Eternity, and shine with cosmic bright. I lose for word, one more time, at how beautiful they were. My act to look like a legitimate Supreme Creator and One and Only True God have immediately discarded as I see the beautiful scenery below my feet. Don't know what to say, I chant the praise again.

"Beautiful, truly beautiful..."